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Well, since summer ball is starting up, i'd figure i'd get a new bat. Currently I have the red exo grid. But i need a new one Smile.

My friend got the new Nike Aero, and its pretty nice, but i wanna make sure that i get the right bat (if I'm going to spend $350) I've read some reviews on the 2010 Exo, and ive heard nothing but good from it, So i'd figure i would ask you guys Smile

btw im not really a Easton stealth Fan.

lemme know what you guys think.
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Originally posted by bakstop007:
buy a new bat, that was last years model, nothing brand new its a waste of money they all are BESR certified and they are truly no better than any other.
The BESR test is very flawed. Some bats have more pop than others. But, it really comes down to the hitter's skills and comfort level with whatever bat.
I'm not a big fan of Demarini bats but after this past weekend I must admit that the 2010 CF4 Gold has some serious pop to it. One of our players just got it and let a few of his teammates try it and they were hitting bombs with it!! Even I had to eat some crow and admit that it actually had some pop to it!

Son has the new 2010 TPX Omaha (red and white) and has hit some solid shots with it, but it honestly doesn't seem to have the same pop as the Demarini as much as it pains me to say.
Originally posted by Aldoinla:
Sorry you don't care for Easton cause the new SV12 Ozone Rocks!

I take that back about Easton being garbage cause with all the trouble I've had with them recently, they just sent me that SV12 OZONE free of charge. I can't ever replace it cause it has the warranty replacement stamp on it. Is it really that good? I don't know if I'm gonna sell it or what cause the Synergy IMX composite is still brand new too. My son doesn't need two brand new bats. I can sell one and get a brand new SSK custom glove with the money.

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