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We don't get much newspaper coverage since we are situated on the edge of a couple of different newspaper's coverage areas. So, it's nice to get an article written about us every once in a while. Here is a story in one of the area newspapers today:

Knights' Baseball Article

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Originally posted by lineshot:
Hey Coach do you play prairie ridge high school as they make their spring break trip to collinsville?

No, we had them on the schedule a couple of years ago. Some communication was really fouled up and hard feelings were abundant on both sides. Apparently, they went to St. Louis sightseeing and we had bad weather. We tried for some 4 hours to get ahold of them leaving messages at their contact numbers and then, we gave up doing our diamond. Some of their parents called up (I assuming parents since they used names of former big leaguers.) and really hacked our AD off. I think his statement was something to the effect that a snowball has a better chance in hell than us playing a northern team again. To say the least, he was really angry. As for myself, after a specific time we left on the messages, I sent our kids to the weightroom for athletic pe and we had begun practice. Our pitchers had alreay throwing their pens so that made it impossible for us to play. Like I said, no one was to blame. It was just really poor communication.
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by Mike F:
Coach B,

Nice article and good luck this year. It sounds like you are going to be strong again...reload rather than rebuild.

Just curious, the article mentions every position other than SS. Is there a competition for that spot as well?

Have a great 2006, Coach.

Mike F

Tim Fox is going to play Shortstop for us. In the article, they inaccurately state he is playing second. Aaron Conway, who was our left fielder last year, is playing second. Both can pick it. Of course, they are at Triad so both are very small. body-builder haha

Great article...I'll be following your team's progress throughout the season. It's nice to get some insight on your's impressive.

You are blessed with lots of volunteers to help out with most all of the details...that's great...really is...but I'd have a word with the field maintenance seems he is scheduling the field to be sprinkled at the wrong time...

"We go out, we're not the type of people who stay in," Butler said when asked about early practices. "The kids have been soaked every day. We just look at it like we're going to go out no matter what. You have to play our games outside. The kids have a real good work ethic, it's our strong point." Wink

Hoping you have an even more successful season than last year. good
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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