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Our last name has always been in play when it came to nicknames

I spent 8 years in grammar school with kids thinking my name was "Riz" and was always known as "Riz" even to this day when on the ballfield.

My sons were all known as "Riz" except for the youngest he was "Little Riz" because he was in school with his brother
When my oldest was a freshman, a senior asked him his name, my son said "Steve", the senior said you look more like a "Wayne" than a "Steve". It stuck. My younger son is "Little Wayne", my mother comes out to watch a lot of games and she is now officially designated as "Grandma Wayne".

I would have preferred they tagged him with "Crash" or "Moose" or something cool but instead he will go down in school history as "Wayne". Frown
Being an ex Navy Flier, I always give my youth players nicknames like callsigns and some have stuck. One particular kid who looked exactly like a young Ronny Howard, I called Opie. Well he's a Junior in HS now and I don't think anyone knows his given name. He's Opie.

Another one sweet looking 10 year old with long eyelashes I called Bambi and his mother calls me and tells me he (she) wants something more manly like Gunner or Spike. He eventually quit baseball and is a top HS golfer.

Halfmoonslider aka Threadkiller
I like nicknames as a coach, and I have a few good ones from this year's team:

"Jockey" - our 2B is about 5-4, 125 1bs.

"Stitch" - CF is another little guy, and he imitates the movie character perfectly.

"Bobble" - Our catcher has a huge head (size 8) so the players say he looks like a bobble-head doll!

**I like those 3 - all are FANTASTIC young men, and they have fun with the nicknames. I personally had 2 as a player:
Psycho - I am very intense and my skipper thought I was...
Knightmare - play on the name, got it from a sportswriter in Erie, PA
My 05’ son played Varsity as a freshman, starting every game either as a pitcher or 1st baseman. Needless to say in the beginning he had to earn respect from the upperclassmen (which he did).

My father is named after his father (Jr); I am named after him (III) and my son, after me (IV). The team found out and called him “Quattro”. I was called “Tray”, and my father (his grandfather) “Deuce”.

These names lasted for two years. In his junior year, they found out our middle name (Rutledge), since then he has been called "Rut" which has stuck and he proudly wears on some of his shirts.

In a PONY league game a few years back a young man came to the plate and the opposing dugout started chanting "PIG!"...PIG....PIG!".....then strike the PIG out!....look out PIG!.....

I called time and warned the dugout to stop with the name calling........the rest of the game was very silent......after the game, the boys mother came over to me and told me that the other team (who happended to be made up of schoolmates of the player) were not insulting her son........that everyone calls him PIG, and has for years......
Last edited by piaa_ump
In HS I was Moose, because I am a large man.

In College I was CONG, same reason (stuck with that one)

My son has picked up a couple....

Crash (another catcher like Crash Davis - crashing the walls Smile )

Some of the nicknames of kids on my teams....

Spike (the kid with spikey hair)
Jag ( the kid with the 8 syllable last name that starts with Jag Smile )
Well with 3 sons that plays (or had played) sports. They had some quite a few nicknames but their last name was always what had stuck with them "Ariail" (pronounce as Ariel)

My oldest sons name is Austin, he played football in HS but his dad had nicknamed him "Hosscat" from the time he played little league football all the way to high school b/c of his size.
the middle one plays baseball in college, growing up playing sports he was nicknamed "Tater" b/c of his blond, but in college it is "Ryano" for one his name and the way he charges out of the bullpen like a rhino. Now the youngest one plays high school baseball, he was kind of small growing up so he was nicknamed on the team as "Wee man", now he is 17 and 6'4 they changed it to the "The Whip" b/c when he pitches a ball they guys say his arm looks like a whip.
My son's favorite player is ARod, his first initial is D so D-ROD has stuck for several years. For a moment it was Hot Pockets, well the reason for this was he had a hot pocket for breakfast at a Vegas Tournament, he went 5 for 8 with a homer and three doubles. So his nickname was "HotPockets" for a while after that. Funny thing is , I saw a kid from the tournament team buying a whole box at a local supermarket, I had to laugh!!!! He wanted to break out of his slump!
When my son was on Little League All-Stars as an 11 year old, they all got sweatshirts with nicknames on them. The kids got to pick what they wanted, so the names were a bit interesting for some of them..

Big Country
Little Country
Big Dog
Bobby Bouchet

Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head...
Let me guess which one was Evan....hmmm......


I will come up w/ a new one for him. You can't force a nickname though. It has to come naturally or it will not stick.

For now I will call him "Unhittable" for the No-Hitter he threw or "Precious Cargo" for the way Mom and Dad haul him around with the 6 hour roundtrip commute to play w/ us.

Something better will come. Give it time.
With a last name like Bonesteele, you can imagine the gaggle of nicknames that come up ... a couple that aren't printable.

Most of the time it's simply 'Bones'. One parent on our club team calls him El Fuego ... he's been the 3 or 4 hole guy on our club teams for a couple years now.

Don't mean to be long winded ... but this really is a funny story: since I work in eBusiness, I created a personal website for my son (it's free to me). I kept this completely separate from our HS website, initially not even telling the coach about it, so there'd be no appearance of any preferential treatment in the eyes of other families. I taught our HS Athletic Director how to maintain/update our HS website himself, showed him some new features I was testing on my son's site. Late one night my son and I are watching a local Cox cable broadcast of one of our HS games. My son comes up for an at-bat on TV ... and the Cox commentators start talking about the stuff on his website. My son looks at me in disbelief, says "Dad, what the heck!" ... I just shrug "beats me ... I didn't do anything" Confused. You have to understand ... he was one of only three sophomores on a varsity team stacked with talented seniors. An Underclassmen. He was not happy.

It was at least a month before 'Dot-Com' wore off in the dugout.

Turns out the AD thought the site was cool and added a link from the HS website roster ... the Cox guys went through the HS online roster before the game. I just made sure the AD told the coach who had put that link up Smile ... I've since helped other families put up similar sites for their sons, and the coach keeps a list of URLs to give out to college coaches, but we keep the links off the HS site.
Last edited by pbonesteele
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
Let me guess which one was Evan....hmmm......


I will come up w/ a new one for him. You can't force a nickname though. It has to come naturally or it will not stick.

For now I will call him "Unhittable" for the No-Hitter he threw or "Precious Cargo" for the way Mom and Dad haul him around with the 6 hour roundtrip commute to play w/ us.

Something better will come. Give it time.

He has a few other nicknames...none of which I am allowed to repeat here....The president of the LL nicknamed him "Evdog"...but he hasn't been called that in a few years. As far as I know the high school coach or team has not come up with one for him yet.
This one is too good to pass. I played with some good ones. I have played with an Eclipse, Satchel, Dirt, and Q-Tip. Coached a Fungo, Crash, Buck, Moose, and Spot. What makes a nickname funny is how they got the name. There was a player who used to write for Baseball America who did an article on this subject. Try a search for Will Rosellini. I think this would be interesting to all.
Eclipse was about 6'2, 250, Satchel was the oldest guy on the team (by about 6 years), Spot was an outfielder who was so small he looked like a spot, Buck had hair like George Washington on a dollar bill, Crash was found passed out in someone else's yard, Q-Tip was a tall pale guy with almost white hair. I also knew a Popeye, Tea Pot, and Catfish (he was traded for catfish). I have also found that in baseball, if your name is only one syllable, a "Y" is usually added for some reason.
Last edited by coachb35
Steve- We have meetings each night when we are at tournaments. We were at your tournament last thanksgiving and Mario Hollands (6'4 LHP at 15 and growing before our eyes)was leaning against the wall as there was nowhere to sit. We finally noticed that he was literally sleeping while standing up. Robby Alcombrack affectionately nicknamed him "The big sleep".
I remembered a few more that I have to tell. Sloth moved very slow. We had Lefty who was actually right handed. He could catch anything in the outfield just couldn't throw it. We also had Night. We were a very close team. He liked it. But the best, I don't know how I forgot is SOPOS. Pronounced the way it looks. He is a freshman on our college team now, and is very well built, but about 5'8. We call him a "Sawed Off Piece of S_____". Let you guess the ending. That is probably one of the best I have heard.
Last edited by coachb35
I got the nickname Bear because of 3 reasons, 1.) My size and build

2.) I worked at a childrens camp one summer and had somewhatlonger hair than I do now along with a beard and when I'd wake up in the mornings my hair would be puffed out more along with the beard and the kids always used to call me bear cause I looked like one and they were always afraid to wake me up after i had gone to sleep cause I'd warn them not to wake me up being loud so the saying was don't wake the bear unless you wanna be eaten. That was a fun summer.

3.) The girls all say I look like a cute cuddly teddy bear
Son's nicknames haven't been too unusual. Started in LL when there were 2 players with the same name. He became "Big Eric" (got his height early in life), then it was shortened to "Big E", then over time it became just "E" for a number of years. In HS, he was known only as "freshman" his first year on varsity. Since then its either been just E or hyphenated with a shortened last name to "E-Mass". Cool

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