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Originally posted by Kaizen:
redbird5, so which bats have the UNC players been using now that they aren't locked in to a particular brand?

Zolk - Easton Power Brigade
Frank - Easton Power Brigade
McCain - Nike
Jordan - Easton Power Brigade
Holberton - Nike
Coyle - Easton Power Brigade
Stubbs - Easton Power Brigade
Russell - Easton Power Brigade
Zengal - Easton Power Brigade
Stallings - Easton Power Brigade

Most UNC players are using either this one:

Or this one:
Adding to redbird5's excellent list: Colin Moran also swings the same Nike bat indicated above.

The players were given the opportunity to hit with a wide variety of brands and models during fall baseball. I've found it interesting that they seem to have gravitated to the two mentioned above. They could have gone with any one they wished.
Last edited by Prepster

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