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Originally Posted by jp24:

I wish HSBBW would disable the functionality that enables you to post the way you post, Stats: Inserting responses throughout people's comments. 


You boldface and italicize others' comments, then use normal type for your responses -- an obvious and weaselly way to make it sound like the other person was emphatic ... and you are simply responding with curiosity and kindness -- even if you don't know it. But I suspect you do….


I do that to try to be as responsive as possible to what I’m replying to so there’s as little chance as possible what my response is pertaining to, and to make sure the quote is identified as such. I’ve been doing it that way on these kinds of sites for almost 20 years now, and you’re the 1st person accusing me of doing it for duplicitous reasons. In fact, most people appreciate that I do it because there’s a lot less confusion.


If you don’t like it, sorry about that. Would you prefer I use colors, change the fonts or font sizes, underline things, or use some other way to do it? Tell ya what, when I respond to you I’ll try to remember to do something different to make you feel less emphatic.  

Sorry guys

My reply got clipped for some reason the other day.

Thought id share.

My first post ever was about multi sport athletes and baseball only athletes.

As time went on my son chose his own path as a single sport athlete despite requests from track and football coaches.

Scroll forward he played year round as much 120 games per year.  I never supported but rather discouraged him from pitching.

Now he has entered college...he is still a mere 5'9 145, but hit 87 mph this sumner and appears to be continuing to increase velo and arm feels great.  Hes,still not a pitcher by any means IMO.

On the flip side many of his former HS teammates who are in a program that i will be confidential but honest about... (play fall ball or get cut)...

Unfortunately a some of them who had promising arms at a young age have already gone under the knife and i suspect more are on the way...

My son used to tell me certain players had arm problems and were hiding it from the coach...i thought he was exaggerating until i noticed thier velos dropping as the season went on, now 2 are TJ stories, and i believe the third will end up there...

Say what you want, think what you want, but peaking at 15 or 16 years of age is a shame IMO (although a paid for college education isnt a bad deal).  I am not against fall ball, but kids gotta know when, or be taught to back off for a bit or have a coach they can trust enough to talk about it when they are hurting. (and yes everyone is different...when i was young we NEVER iced our arms, yikes! and i bet i threw many 100 plus pitch games, yikes... without an ounce of arm trouble ever...others...not same story)

Mechanics certainly can help minimize these cases, but wont prevent all of them...too many coaches love to throw the 12-16 year old flame thrower and let the world know they have the next 1st rounder...some of these kids will be done by college.

Just sone thoughts, experiences, insights for what its worth...

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