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I know that there will be a number of stories told in the coming days regarding the coaching career of one of the great high school coaches to ever grace our area. I would like to tell those who read these pages about a story that reaches beyond the baseball field and shows the inner man. In 2001 after my personal battle with cancer GCA played First Colonial in the Beach Bash. Upon cpmpletion of the game Norbie and his FC parents and Kids humbled me and my family with a significant cash contribution to the "friends of towny townsend fund" that helped my family handle mounting medical expenses. He donated the entire proceeds from gate receipts and consessions to my family after a tough loss. We talked at great length about the things that truly matter without ever discussing the game. He showed true compassion, understanding, and a sense of humanity that will be sorely missed at FC and impossible to replace. Coaches are often misunderstood, second quessed, and ridiculed but Norbies career stands on it's own merit and has no peer in tidewater. First Colonial will have a easier time finding a good baseball coach then they will finding a man of character who knows baseball. Good luck my friend.

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