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What do you's the Courier Gazette....oh how I long for the Days of Norman Wilson. He cared , he covered, and he reported on the kids. The Courier is now trying to catch up because there is a new paper in town.

They are doing a fantastic job. The article written "for" the courier not "by" the courier sounds like a 5th grader's weak attempt at journalism.

Anyway, go BULLDOGS!!
Norman Wilson.......From playing the harmonica at baseball games over the speakers, along with the announcing he did, and covering the young people that played the games. One of the best ever. I still have a lot of clippings.

Unfortunately "Stormin" Norman passed a couple of years ago in Wichita Falls.

El Jefe, did you know he was a big time drama student at Baylor?

Back to the game...........wish I could've been there. Sounds fun.
David....yep, Ole Norm was one of a kind. He covered me and you for many years.Remember telephone calls to the concession stand and the rolling of the R's in Alejos Perez' name or any other hispanic player? Oh, and hocking up a lung every once in awhile over the mic. Good ole 6-AAA

" Good evening ladies and gentleman for tonight's 6-AAA contest between the defending North Zone champion McKinney Lions and the Dragons of Seagoville . Leading off.... cough cough cough!!!"

The game was great. The munchkins have far surpassed anything I dreamed of for this year. It's all icing on the cake now.
the first couple of innings north couldn't even get a sniff off of peterson but they never hung their heads. kept taking their hacks and it finally paid off. what a job the pitcher from north did. really enjoyed watching him keep hallsville off balance. not much hitting but a fun game to watch. congrats and good luck against either texarkana or heath. by the way...can those hallsville fans travel and make some noise!
Norman Wilson could have written for any sports page in the country. He was the best I ever read and was a great guy. He had a great announcer's voice, too.

I have a ton of articles he wrote about the Lion's, Mavericks, etc.

What a great guy he was!

If I were coaching a team in the playoffs, I would hate to face Scharf in a one game series...when he's on, he's NASTY!

Last edited by Old Pitcher

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