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Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Krak, we're all hoping you're not in harms' way???

papi, I'm starting to feel we're more and more in harm's way. I had a feeling when they announced the carrier group moving into the West Sea for joint exercises (starting Sunday), that it would increase tensions considerably. However, I couldn't leave without receiving direct orders to do so. Someone's gotta teach these kids! We could send the family back, but can't exactly afford it. This is why we sit and trust that they'll get us out if things start looking really grim. And if they do evac us, it will be very grim indeed.

But, GREAT game between The Big D and New Orleans! That was a classic Thanksgiving football game!
Last edited by Krakatoa
Woody, I wish it was a case of 'safe or sorry', but in my case, I would have to have orders to evacuate before I could leave. My job would require me to stay until orders were given that I (and others of my ilk) were to bail. Phone and phone tree by my bed! NEO packet and pet carriers at the ready! A couple cans of Beefaroni and some bottled water. We're golden!

Now if the gods that be would just set up a game between, say, Alabama and Boise State.....never happen, but it's nice to envision it!
Krak, I fear NK is China's proxy trouble-maker, whether by design or default. Everytime members of the U.S. Congress or the President complains about the trade deficit, or their currency, or wanting to impose trade sanctions, guess who we have to turn to when NK starts creating trouble in the neigborhood?

And guess who loses leverage?

The problem is, it is like taking antibiotics. The theatrics have to get stronger and stronger to work. Be carefull, my friend. Geopolitics is a dangerous thing, as evidenced by history.
Well, the exercises have started and a Korean news agency reports that the NK have set up batteries of s2s and s2a missiles. That was expected. I just hope we stay well away from their claimed territory, then there should be no issues. Don't want to be caught up in a ****ing contest here.

I can say this -- I've seen the CNN and Fox news on the situation, and they are grossly overexaggerating what is happening in SK right now. CNN is the worst. They'd have you believe there is pandemonium in the streets of Seoul. There have been a couple of protests, and that is all. It's life as usual here.

Just got back from a great two-hour training session for my HS son and his friend with a few Korean baseball guys. Cold, but do-able, and a very solid session. Wife ran in a marathon relay, daughter just got back from a friend'ssleepover..... life as usual here.
Originally posted by Krakatoa:
This is the kind of stupidity that's going to get people (thousands) killed. For godsakes, people, this is not the time to make this kind of mistake!

Let's not forget, that Reagan accidentally shot down an Iranian passenger airliner...thereby instantly stifling what had been a period of highly active terrorist activity.

"Mistakes" happen all the time...with intended consequence.

Those are funny clips Krak. I wonder if the guy who overslept is going to defend himself using the Letterman Defense?

The second clip ? I'm not sure what was going on there. Since I don't speak Kim Jong il-ese I can only imagine what those lively youngsters were trying to convey. I know one thing though...I wouldn't want to be a roach anywhere those rambunctious kids. They look to have good aim with their feet.

Perhaps their message was something along the lines of "So long as we are selected to wear shimmering tutus, tight green shorts, and pink tailored shirts life is good. We are happily ecstatic. Thank you dear leader. May we now split a cowpie?"


    "Tell me Comrade Tae Baek, your calculation? This fine, highest quality, North Korean radish? It can feed four hundred...yes?"

    "Yes indeed dear sir."

    "Fine. Cut it in half and serve six hundred."



Last edited by gotwood4sale
Been perusing the Wiki-Leak files. Extraordinary stuff on Kim Jon il:

Wiki-Leak: "Kim Jon il verified as having flown to Pakistan to meet with Bin Laden. Stop. Shared champaign and Cuban cigars with BL and both men played hopscotch in their flannnels while listening to Abba. Stop. Developing nuclear program primarily due to pee-pee envy. Stop."
Last edited by Bum
Well, this is getting pretty old in terms of the old stress levels. I thought things would calm down and we could all relax a bit after the joint exercise ends Wednesday, but now this.

This is going to make things hyper-tense. I hope the USS G.W. stays close. Everyone's guessing that NK will do something stupid once the carrier slips over the horizon. Lovely.

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