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From our experience withe the Clippers you can't go wrong with any of the PG Tournaments or the College Select Event in Warwick. In the Mid Atlantic area the Bear Classic was as well run an event as you could find. The Bayside Yankkee Liberty Tournament was very heavily recruited. All first class events and facilities.
Hey Merc, thanks.

Tvyanks10: Last time I remember (and I have been yielding to Sr. Moments lately), we exhanged emails and mine to you requested
a roster (or some players names).

Merc, are you recommending tvyanks10?
Lenny Renny has NOT gotten back to me (nor have I received a recommendation from this LI ball club). One thing may be clear, Cusetta probably won't provide an invite for his Liberty Tourney (ya think?)


ps. Who would have believed me when it can be said that the Terps were in first place in the ACC (one brief shining moment! ---- Camelot or five bullet theory?)
Last edited by Bear
No problem, it may have been an oversight on the web and it will be corrected. Much time and effort has gone into bringing the large programs to the Northeast. The PG event in Wareham in August is one event that has been able to attract these coaches. Now the hope was to get something earlier in the season and closer to the NY Metropolitan and upstate NY, NJ, PA and CT areas. There has also been a nice response from areas of Canada.
ILTG, Thanks for the info. Not sure about other parts of the country or even NY for that matter but it's graduation weekend in this neck of the woods. Glad to see 16 teams already registered though. Do you know if there's a roster deadline? I may have to try and hook up my son and a couple other 07's if unable to complete a team as I would hate to see them miss out on this event. Thanks. Smile

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