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I used to belong to a couple of other message boards that I no longer participate on. On one of them, they had a topic about how to talk to your daughter. That reminded me that I once started on a list for my girl that I wanted to give her someday. Funny how life goes, I've never completed it. However, thought I'd share it:

1. When you run into tough decisions between right and wrong, call your Dad, he knows the answer.
2. Your parents will someday be smart. However, your grand parents are smarter than your parents. They told your parents that you’d be born and they’d have to be like them.
3. If a guy really likes you, he’ll like you as much in a one piece bathing suit as he would in a bikini.
4. Faith is a great thing to practice. It makes you better equipped to deal with life’s let downs.
5. A Father’s love is unconditional.
6. Yes, we still call you by those nicknames you hate. It brings warmth to our heart to remember the stages of your life.
7. When you seek a man to marry, remember the good traits of your dad and ask yourself if your future children will receive the same from this man. If you’ve had a happy childhood and this man measures up, marry him.
8. Brush your teeth! Lord knows I have enough money invested in them.
9. Remember every dish that your mom made and your dad said he liked. If your dad didn’t finish his plate, he lied to your mom. Think about that someday when your husband says it.
10. Make Church a part of your life. It is the home of someone very special. Although it might be hard to understand, that person’s love for you surpasses even your dad’s.
11. The business world is like a game. Never back down. Know the rules. The best offense is a good defense so protect your turf. Be better prepared than any of the rest. Have a wit about you but don’t be a smart butt. You’ll do just fine.
12. If you’re 5 minutes early, you’re 10 minutes late.
13. Know the difference between friends and acquaintances.
14. A fool and his money are soon departed. You’ve taken all of my money. Now, be smart and save yours!
15. If you think your car needs a checkup, it does! If you think you shouldn’t do something, don’t! Let common sense guide you. Of course common sense is uncommon and so, if you demonstrate it, you’re a step ahead of the rest.
16. Emails are great but they can never replace the sound of your voice.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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I am the mother of two daughters of impressionable age...11 and 13. As I started to read it, I chuckled, thinking that this would be funny. Well, funny (the "ironic" sense of the definition), it isn't. There are lots of truths to this list, and I think that I, too, will post them not only on the refrigerator, but hang this list up on the mirror on the medicine cabinet....

Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Last edited by play baseball

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