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I read about this.

I have no idea what this coach's conditioning program was like but what he did was put a significant number of kids into rhabdomyelysis.

There needs to be some investigation of this, both of the coach and of the players because there are several causes of this.

The most common is overworking an out of shape player to the point where his muscles start to break down. Rhabdo is a condition where muscles are worked so hard that they start to break down releasing myoglobin (a component of the muscle) into the bloodstream). As the muscles break down the area swells.

Compartment syndrom is when the swelling gets so bad that it starts to compress the structures inside the leg. It is extremely painful and can cause perminant damage because circulation is cut off to the affected areas. The treatment is deep surgical cuts onto both sides of the leg (called fasciotomies) which are similar to what they do to burn patients. It allows circulation to continue in the affected limb.

This could have been caused by a coach running out of shape players exessively, players failing to properly hydrate or players that have been hitting the POA (specifically creatine) without properly hydrating and without properly getting in shape.

Being an ICU Nurse with the US Army for years I have seen a fair share of this from the younger population. Most cases are mild and self limiting but in extreme cases it can cause liver and kidney failure (from excess myoglobin, it essentially clogs the kidneys) to loss of limbs to cardiac failure.

Either way there needs to be an investigation.

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