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"hit the ball out in front of the plate and not after it has crossed the plate........"

EGbaseball, the plate doesn't come into play, here........What if the hitter is standing way back in the box?......Or, how 'bout if they're standing way up in the box?.... noidea

Also, hitting the ball what you would call "out front" is not a good idea.....Reaching causes disconnection, lunging, and early wrist roll, among other problems, resulting in ground balls and popping up.......The swing plane is potluck when a hitter reaches......

The ball contact point should always be inside the front foot......Forget the plate and stand as far back in the box as possible.....Then, hit the ball inside the front foot......
Tnel, actually you can learn alot about hitting on this board......Alot is common sense and knowing who to listen to......Try what is said and find out what works and what doesn't work through trial and error....

TRhit is not a hitting instructor......So, his words are probably not the best choice for you in this situation......Just my opinion..... noidea
Last edited by BlueDog
Blue dog

How do you know what I do ??

Blue Dog you are unique, very unique--yes indeed

What I am saying is that he needs to be seen so his problem(s) can be resolved-- you do not solve a hitting problem without seeing the problem.

You continued denigration of posters is doing nothing for you--- we don't even know if youa re a hitting instructor--your profile says you are a "prognosticator"--what is that? do you use tarot cards ? Or baseball cards?

Hitting instructor "plain and simple"--- WORDS WORDS WORDS-- just like I say--

I give no advice to the young man other than to tell him to get seen so he gets good advice and direction

How can you give advice withour seeing what he is doing? Have you seen his swing? His mechanics?

Oh I forgot-- your profile says "prognosticator"

I goofed
Last edited by TRhit
TRhit, I am giving him things to try.....Things that hitters should do.....Things that MLB hitters do.....And, they are solutions to problems that most amateur hitters have in their swings.....I am giving him explanations....I am, hopefully, getting him to thinking, which is where learning begins.....

And, I was correcting some bad advice given by the poster before me......

FWIW, and I don't expect you to know this TR, but many people have helped their sons immensely with hitting information given out free of charge on this board.....You don't hear or see them because they rarely post, but, they're here, TR..... Wink

My philosophy--have him see a reputable hitter in his region--I happen to know a great group of guys in his region---let them see if they can solve his problem(s)--- by the way I get nothing out of it---- If he were nearewr to me I would ask him to drop by and we can see what we can do for him--in person--not with words

BTW--I may know more than you think-keep that in mind when you give instruction!!!
Last edited by TRhit

Can both you "experts" or anyone else please explain to me why it is wrong to send the young man to people who are known in his area so he can be evaluated in person--I am not using words--I am recommending he be seen and evaluated.

Both you "geniuses" cannot even read--where am I giving him hitting instruction--I am offering advice and help in finding a reputable hitting guy if he needs the assistance.

Good night Gracie !!!!
Last edited by TRhit
Without actually seeing your swing and what pitches you are popping up or pulling on the ground the answer is no. Popping up to the right side could mean your trying to pull and outside fastball etc. It could be do to any number of things. Have you talked to your HS coach? Are there any quality hitting instructors in your area? Im sure there are. You need someone to watch you hit and give you some sound advice. No one can really help you without actually seeing what you are are doing. PM TR maybe there are some people he knows in your area that would be willing to help you. Im curious what has your coach or coaches told you?
BlueDog what do you suggest the young man do? I have not seen it here yet. TR offers to get the fellow some help what is wrong with that? Are you suggesting that he do nothing? Are you suggesting that you can help him by not even seeing him hit. What is wrong with getting him in contact with someone that teaches hitting? How do you know that the person or persons that TR is hooking him up with are not capable of teaching hitting or helping this guy out. Instead if offering some sound advice you bash the person that is trying to help him out. What good does that do this young player that is here to find help? If you have a beef with TR pm him and go at it. But it does not help this young player to come here and try to find some help and then the entire thread turns into a pissing contest.
...How do you know that the person or persons that TR is hooking him up with are not capable of teaching hitting or helping this guy out. ...

The odds are against it. Go to any training facility in your area an observe. Go to any high school (other than yours) and observe.

Add to it the fact that TR is the one steering.

I feel obligated to attempt to keep him from that garbage. Especially when I can give him a great start through the
Last edited by Teacherman

I have no idea who you are or what you teach. I don't know TR except over the internet. I don't know what he teaches, but I do appreciate his efforts to help many, many young players and their families. If they feel the help is not helpful, they do not have to accept it.

I am not personally an expert on hitting, although when I played I was always able to his better than most other players. My three sons all have hit very well at a high level. Perhaps they could have hit better, although for the youngest that is doubtful. I do know more about hitting today than I ever did before simply by watching and listening to the guys who have instructed my sons.

These include primarily:
Ken Phelps
Jordan Hudgens (son of Dave Hudgens)
Brian Harper
Jim Lefebvre
Robin Yount
Tommy Jones
Ted Heid
Lou Klimchock
Dave Hilton

Take it for what it is worth, but each one would look at your comments here and shake their heads in collective amusement. I would have to agree.

If you want to help the kid, then help him. But you don't need to do it with cheap shots at others. And, the fact is, I read the stuff you write and it leaves my head spinning. If I were a hitter, I would be left watching the ball go by still trying to figure out what the hell it was that you said.

So, in the end, maybe there is something to see ball, hit ball. Because if you don't see it (and soon enough) you have no chance of hitting it.

Perhaps what it comes down to is talent and perhaps all of the best insruction or worst instruction in the world is bounded by that talent. On that, for sure, I bet I am right.
I think it’s very commendable that TR offers to help the initial poster. I don’t doubt that the help he secures for the kid will be helpful.

I also recognize that providing hitting instruction through the keyboard is difficult and certainly not as optimal as person to person. But I do believe getting good instruction through a keyboard is better than mediocre instruction in person. And the price is certainly right.

The problem I see by cutting off this discussion is that while one kid has been helped, many, many players might have found something useful if Blue Dog, Teacherman, Coach May, TR, etc. were able to continue the discussion in a useful manner.

Blue Dog and Teacherman can get a little detailed for the casual observer at times, but players and coaches serious about talking hitting should find many of their ideas quite helpful. From what I’ve read from both of them, they instruct hitting similar to what the best paid hitters actually do and that is, stay back, keep your weight between your legs, rotate and keep your lead elbow and shoulder from impinging your swing, do not reach and instead hit the ball deep in the zone and drive the ball to all fields depending on where the pitch is. It’s pretty much what I instruct but I don’t have the patience they do to explain it over the Internet like they do. (If my summation is wrong, Blue Dog & Teacherman, feel free to clarify)

There are others in addition to these two who I think offer solid ideas on hitting. There are also many who have no clue but there is much to be learned when others explain why they believe they have no clue. I hope that discussion regarding hitting or pitching is not thwarted. If done correctly, there is much that can be learned for many.
Last edited by SBK
It wouldn't be thwarted at all if Teacherman and Bluedog were a little more polite, diplomatic or likeable (you pick the term). I think it is even more notable that they prefer to come across as mean-spirited and superior while remaining annonymous. I view it as more than a bit gutless. Tom Rizzi, on the other hand, is very generous in his willingness to help anyone looking for help. It is up to the individual whether to accept the help. He does not deserve the **** he endures from these other two.

They may be great instructors, but as I said, if a hitter trys keeping all that stuff straight while hitting, he will be thinking way to much to swing anywhere close to in time to hit the ball.

So, what I figure, is that these guys like to hear themselves type, probably read a lot of books that are a bit boring to most people, undoubtedly never played at a high level and have no idea what it is actually like to face a pitch coming in at 90-plus, especially at the ribs, where at least one of them might see it regularly.

What they produce are probably a lot of pretty swings from kids who never actually make contact at a high level.

What I prefer are players with wonderful talent and natural creativity who can hit the hell out of the ball against even the best pitchers. It's sort of like the difference between Picasso and Nagy's learn to draw classes.
Last edited by jemaz
TNE 100

I think I know what is happening to you. I agree with coach may that you are trying to pull at all the pitches. When the pitch is outside, you are poping up to the right side, and the rest of the time you ground down to the left side because you are opening to early. Wait a little more to start your swing, wait for the ball to rich the hitting point. Use a T to practice your swing for pitches inside, middle and outside, and try to find the different points where contact has to be made.
So, there you have it websters, a clear choice.

Listen to TR Hit, a great provider of service and advice to all, a man who actually has placed kids into college where they have had successful careers, or....

an annonymous wannabe who offers not much more than snide remarks and cheap shots at a very good man. This is a guy who probably never played the game and one who believes he knows more than at least one Hall of Famer and a whole bunch of guys who had pretty darn good success at the highest levels and who have instructed a whole lot of players now playing from D1 to the Big Leagues.

For me, it is an easy choice.

But, Teacherman, keep laughing. Someone needs to get something out of what you have to offer. Might as well be yourself.
Last edited by jemaz
Jemaz, frankly, you don't have the knowledge to argue with Teacherman on the subject of hitting.......Teacherman is quite knowledgeable and you are quite limited in your hitting knowledge.......You could learn alot from Teacherman about hitting......The opportunity is there if you take advantage of it....It's up to you......

I don't need to learn about hitting. My hitting days are long over. Anyway, I think I'll stick to the other guys should I develop an interest, but thanks for the suggestion. And, as I said, Teacherman strikes me as a guy who read a lot of books but never actually did it himself. I'd bet a lot of money on that.
You've obviously never been to Guiseppe's. The point remains. Annonymously, you take very cheap shots at a very good man to promote a theory so complicated to a kid learning how to play baseball that all you are going to do is confuse the issue.

The guys I have listed don't teach in a manner anywhere close to what you espouse here. Thus, my conclusion that, yes, you can read, yes, you can try to intimidate, but, no, you cannot play the game.

I welcome you to prove me wrong. But, even if you do, it does not excuse your gutless behavior toward Tom Rizzi.
Give up, jemaz. Out of curiosity, I checked the first two pages of "Teacherman's" recent posts and found nothing useful there...just sniping, nonsensical tripe. Even if "Teacherman" played the game, he still suffers from that tiresome personality disorder...YAWN. Maybe it's time for him to double-up on the medication...

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