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After the 6th we got a TV....V-day is covered...Roses, Milk choc covered Carmels from a local hand made Choc store.

I also have 2 Grandchillens so... no R&R for awhile.

I just wanted to visit yer fav. hangout and find out where u get all the spunk. LOL

Lady again,
Comfort and sympaty??? Woman really give that kind of stuff???

Were you in my fifth grade class??

See #1 LOL

Thanks for the welcome ladies
Last edited by MOUNDMASTER
Oh Moundmaster, you passed the test! You're welcome here anytime. Gonna put you up there with JT!

Hummmm... passed the test?? No one told me about the test.

Gonna put me UP THERE w/JT??

.....Getting mental picture of JT hanging on the whippin post and one next to it w/ a sign saying RESERVED FOR MOUNDMASTER....

BTW Ladies... Do those whips come w/ matching boots?? Then you all can really stomp us into the ground. LOL
Originally posted by MOUNDMASTER:
Gonna put me UP THERE w/JT??

.....Getting mental picture of JT hanging on the whippin post and one next to it w/ a sign saying RESERVED FOR MOUNDMASTER....

I thought she meant along the lines of two guys with long gray beards hanging by their wrists from shackles on a dungeon wall.

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