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Originally posted by CaBB:
Great job Newcomer-or should I say that to your son. He did look great yesterday, and what a spectacular day it was with the beautiful weather. Hope the rest is smooth sailing. Tell your son cograts from our family!

Thanks so much for the congrats. I will pass it on. You'll be living this soon enough in your family and I know the results will be just as stupendous. Keep your boy working hard. Talk to you soon.
Congratulations to your son and to your family.
I have some sense of how hard each of you worked, some of the anxiety experienced along the way, and most of all the way each of you persisted, explored options and tried to help your son have decisions to make.
This is just a real nice post to read. Hope all works well from this point forward. Just think, in a few short months, you will be asking what to expect in college baseball Confused
Until then, enjoy this development and the next high school season.
Last edited by infielddad
I am confused.

According to NCAA, you have today and tomorrow of this week to see the coaches, as wednesday through next week is a dead period, no face to face contact.

I wish you luck, but if it were me, I would have your son get on the phone asap and ask exactly what do they want. This is signing week. JMO.
Last edited by TPM
tpm, actually according the recruiting stuff you recently steered me to ...
the quiet period begins fri nov 10 ... perfect for on campus contact, meeting with coaches, maybe a snack, fielding an offer - AND still within the early signing window

... ah that short term memory Wink

congrats to newcomer Smile

Last edited by Bee>
During signing period 8-15th it is a dead period. I didn't say quiet, I said dead.
That's wednesday which is this week.

I think someone mentioed during the dead period no contact. During dead period, email and phone calls are allowed, not face to face.

I am just hoping that Newcomer is confused as to the invitation for this week.

FYI, my short term and long term memory ain't that bad.
Last edited by TPM
NCAA Division I Baseball Recruiting Calendar
August 1, 2006 - July 31, 2007

(c) September 15 through November 5, 2006: Contact/Evaluation Period

(d) November 6-9, 2006: Dead Period

(e) November 10, 2006, through February 28, 2007: Quiet Period

FYI, my short term and long term memory ain't that bad.
tpm, I had a great comback, but I forgot it Frown

as an fyi II, the dead period is meant to protect the player,
not penalize a late addition to the list ...
it's to prevent coaches from camping out in the guy's front yard or stalking him to the mall or tavern pizza place pressuring the nli signing

Last edited by Bee>
Ok Bee, I meet you half way. Roll Eyes

Newcomer said this week, it raised a concern as it is dead period and I feel badly as it seemed like son was being strung along. Dead period ends friday.

Newcomer, if indeed you go visit and there is no offer, I know if it were mine, he would say thank you very much and goodbye.

Good luck.
TPM: Thanks for advice. I had put signing dates and dead/quiet periods completely out of my head as I figured he wasn't going to get picked up unti spring. But I'm alert to it now. I'm the skeptic in the family so you're singing to the choir with your perspective. I think in my excitement I said "next week"..per husband (who actually took the phone call), coach didn't specify a time or date just said "we'll meet later and talk about the details". It was a bit cryptic and, yes, we were strung along a bit. But I think whatever they saw in our son at this showcase on Sunday made them change their mind. I'm hoping that this is the real deal. Son calls the coach when he gets out of school in about 30 minutes. It is taking every bit of will for husband to not blurt the news when he picks son up.
Congratulations Newcomer! I have a hunch which school it is and thats a great opportunity (no, I know its not the evil empire down the peninsula Big Grin) .

But I also want to say that I think its been nice that you've been willing to share events as it all progressed. No doubt that others have learned something from your journey through this process if they paid close attention to your questions, concerns, fears, hopes, excitement, occasional disappointment and inquisitiveness throughout.

I'll sure be rootin' for his team in the coming years, minus that one game per year down our way. Wink

All the best!
Last edited by justbaseball
Thanks for the pm, I didn't think I was reading things wrong. Wink You said this week, just giving you a heads up.

The fall signing period is this week begins the 8th and runs until the 15th. I understand you are awaiting a phone call. If he wants your son he will make an offer, if not move on.

Let us know, good luck!
Last edited by TPM
I have been reading the postings on this site for almost 2 years now, normally don't post as we have another HS baseball website in Florida in which I am more active. Anyway, to make long story short son was called on July 1st by D1 school who told him that they were interested in him for early signing period, knowing how the recruiting process works even though he had given a verbal commitment I told him to keep all options open and if any other school expressed interest that he should listen (explained to him about Plan "B").

Anyway D1 school calls him a few weeks ago and tells him that they would probably come see him in the spring, by this time I have done my research on school and come to the realization that this school may not be the best choice for my son. This past weekend he does an official visit with an out of state D2 school which he feels is the perfect fit for him (keep in mind that since July we have spoken to other schools as well). During his visit the coaches tell him that he will be able to start as a freshman pitcher and they make a generous offer (athletic and academic scholly), he commits right on the spot and today I had the pleasure of e-mailing the first D1 school that thought they had strung him along to tell them not to waste their time as he found a school that was really interested in him. Basically my point is that as parents we must always keep the doors open until we find the right fit. Wednesday my son will be signing his NLI instead of waiting for the first school to make up their mind.
Originally posted by PANTHER:
I have been reading the postings on this site for almost 2 years now, normally don't post as we have another HS baseball website in Florida in which I am more active. Anyway, to make long story short son was called on July 1st by D1 school who told him that they were interested in him for early signing period, knowing how the recruiting process works even though he had given a verbal commitment I told him to keep all options open and if any other school expressed interest that he should listen (explained to him about Plan "B").

Anyway D1 school calls him a few weeks ago and tells him that they would probably come see him in the spring, by this time I have done my research on school and come to the realization that this school may not be the best choice for my son. This past weekend he does an official visit with an out of state D2 school which he feels is the perfect fit for him (keep in mind that since July we have spoken to other schools as well). During his visit the coaches tell him that he will be able to start as a freshman pitcher and they make a generous offer (athletic and academic scholly), he commits right on the spot and today I had the pleasure of e-mailing the first D1 school that thought they had strung him along to tell them not to waste their time as he found a school that was really interested in him. Basically my point is that as parents we must always keep the doors open until we find the right fit. Wednesday my son will be signing his NLI instead of waiting for the first school to make up their mind.

PANTHER, Did you say you had give your verbal commitment to the school? Did you receive the NLI papers this week?
Last edited by Homerun04
Was just reading the article before. In our situation we went from D1 to D2. The D1 school got a commitment for an early signing of the NLI but the athletic money mentioned in July got smaller as we approached November and then it was the situation of the coaches wanting to evaluate my son a bit more. It was just a feeling that he was being strung along and in researching the program it became apparent that it was not the type of program that I felt was good for my son. This program in South Florida is known for having players de-commit and I can see why, 2 of their commitments last year whom had already signed NLI opted at the end to go to JUCOs (grades had nothing to do with it as these players were top students with excellent SAT scores).
Last edited by PANTHER
I guess it happens to more than we would think, I think heard about the situations that Blaine Clemmens was discussing where the recruiting coaching staff turned over from the early commitment time to signing and they renegotiated all of the verbals and canceled others. And also heard about when the recruits actually understood their dollar amounts it turned out not to be such as high a percent than they originally thought.
Wow... good stuff. I feel like I just watched a really good movie. I love happy endings!

I think we all just got a real time glimpse at one aspect of what happens in the recruiting process. I have no idea of what our future holds or if we will be faced with some of these issues however it was kind of cool to see the HSWBB "all hands on deck" approach come out with some great support, insight and advice to help Newcomer get through this obviously exciting and scary time.

Congratulations Newcomer and thanks for sharing this incredible journey with all of us. Who needs reality TV, we’ve got HSWBB.
Last edited by jerseydad

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