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I was told that I wasn't using my power until almost point of contact. I don't exactly know how to correct it. The guy who told me said that I should coil more in my stance, but I'm not 100% comfortable "coiling", so how can I use all of my power, from the beginning of the swing, and not change my stance too much. Thanks a bunch.
Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is just a hole in Arizona. -George F. Will
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Catch43.........are you sure its a WHOLE or a HOLE in Arizona. Smile

Catch43 you would need to send me a video clip of your swing. Your topic is way broad.

FloridaFan.....Im a hands guy! So you would need to explain your comment above. I'd say proper connection would be the quickest way to the ball. I believe that the hands are responsible for the connection.

But your right. Just extend the hands at the pitcher (but wouldn't that be the arms?)that would be quick, but who swings like that?
Last edited by swingbuilder
It usually means that you are generating bat speed into your follow through, or after the contact zone.

Generate bat speed until the bat is almost in the hitting zone and then the rest is follow through.

You can think of it as cutting your swing into two parts. On the down stroke, generate bat speed. On the up stroke, follow through.
Last edited by Quincy

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