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Girlfriends of the Ladies' Lounge ... this thread is not about any of the moms here ... but I know all of you would have figured that out.
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Sounds like a war developing !!!!

No one from this forum intended to start a 'war' of any sort. When I first found the Man Song ... which I now remember was sent to me by my redneck BROTHER-in-law ... I got a chuckle out of it and asked if anybody thought we should let the guys see it (please see initial post of orignal thread). Somebody ... apparently with no sense of humor (as far as I am concerned) ... has decided to be aggressive instead of looking at life with some light-hearted humor. I have never been an aggressor on this board and anytime I have 'gone to battle', it was when I felt strongly about some 'moral' issue (my words). I don't take pot shots at people, I try not to be rude (tho we can all slip up once in a while), and I am pretty sure that I don't have a reputation for being in a lot of arguments on the board where ego takes over and people are slamming each other around a thread with absolute abandonment. It has not been the female posters on this site who go back and forth with each other trying to one-up them. So I would sincerely appreciate any reference to war being directed to the offending parties.

I am going to ask Julie to delete the thread "we" started in the men's forum, and I am going to lock the thread I started the other day. The "juvenality" of the person or persons deleting the threads in the men's forum is amazing ... can't believe I am still astounded when these kind of things happen.

By the way ... JULIE ... is there anyway you can re-name the men's forum? Perhaps the name "Men Only" has been taken too literally. Also, do you have the ability to tell who is doing the deleting? If not, is that something that can be included in the Groupee package so us moderators don't try to take over ?
Mary Ann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [i]"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 [8/21/08][/i]
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After 1324 posts, you have definitely demonstrated your level of sophistication and knowledge, not to mention class.

I'll bet the “deleters” are doing it in jest and fun, and also think they're being humorous.

Keep up the good work on your end. I always appreciate all the women's words of wisdom, and find them helpful, humorous, and enlightening.
Last edited by collikar
FBM - some good points! What disturbs me more than anything is the fact someone would do that to Julie. If I've ever deleted something, I've quickly reported action and reasoning to Julie. I would expect any other mod to do that as well. We're suppose to be here to help, not to "control" the board.

I agree that there needs to be some way to "monitor" the moderators if one is going to go beyond their authority!
The older I get, the more I realize how precious we all are, and understand that "this" (everything) could be gone in an instant. For the first time in my life, I am trying to be "mellow," and to not take things so seriously; so much of our life is out of our control. But this situation has really got me angry, and I don't want to be.

I encouraged FBM to post the song. I love it! I think it's really funny. I don't understand why we can't poke fun at men, they sure make fun of us, whether they realize it or not. Check out some of the jokes in the forum. Most of them ARE FUNNY. But there is an underlying bite to some of them; they are derogatory, implying that women are stupid. And sadly, this is still (or again) reflected in our society.

I agree: If you don't want to read what is posted, then don't. If you don't like the content of any forum, then don't visit it.

That "someone" deleted the song and other posts is ridiculous. Lighten up.
Last edited by play baseball
FBM.....glad you didn't delete the song.....a lot of people have had a good laugh over it......and I think it's safe to say that most of the male posters liked it too.....and those that didn' each their own....

Be glad for a sense of's a very good thing to have.....and we appreciate yours!

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