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Crazy to think that the journey that started when my son was 4 years old (even though we didn't know it at the time) will hit the NLI milestone in less than a month. When he started High School college seemed sooooooo far away, and when he verbally committed last summer the date 11/14/2018 seemed like an eternity. Someone asked me yesterday when classes started at his college and I freaked out a little (haven't even thought about that!) . We visited the school last weekend "officially" and the reality is now sinking in.

Now he's filling out online MLB questionnaires, housing agreements, FAFSA forms, getting ready for Jupiter and oh yes, still doing his homework and studying....

I don't really have a point to this post, except to comment on my current reality. You never know where the next milestone will take you. 

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Congrats to your son and family.  It doesn't slow down either once your son signs.  This time next year so many things will have happened with spring ball, graduation, summer ball, start of college, fall practice etc and then you look up and realize that it has only been  a year since the NLI signing.  Big exciting changes coming up over the next year!  Best of luck to you and all those that are signing in November and as has been said so many times on here... Enjoy the Ride because it really does go fast.


As a dad of a kid who will be signing also, I can't believe how fast it's going it's almost here and all the paperwork is done so now we wait a little longer! Mine isn't going to Jupiter opted to put in time in the weight room and with his highschool team, he says they are on a mission lol!! To everyone else waiting good luck to those still in the process it goes fast and is stressful for Mom and Dad but try to enjoy the ride!

For those who have filled out housing, filed paperwork, etc. Are your kids already accepted into the school? Are your schools rolling admissions or are these things you are working out with the coach on the side? 

2019 has sent ACT scores and transcripts to head coach, but has not actually applied yet. School does not have rolling admissions so students who are applying ED for the 11/15 deadline won't know if they are admitted until mid-late December. 

Do athletes find out sooner than regular students? Did yours submit their application thru Athletic Dept before standard admissions? 


2019 will be a scholarship athlete at P5 school 

Last edited by PABaseball

PABaseball, you and your son are not alone. My 2019 son is also headed to a P5 (HA) school. During the OV, he (and his entire recruiting class) was/were told to apply regular decision and if he/they applied for early action, they would "most likely" be deferred.  Admissions at his school wants to make sure the grades don't slack halfway through senior year of HS..  So despite signing an NLI next month, he won't be formally accepted until March or April of next year. Son won't submit application before signing day.  It's nerve wracking and a little nuts.  Let everyone in a similar situation hang in there!  

Mine has been accepted to Tennessee.  Now they want the other $250 to prepare for classes next summer.  Just waiting on NLI.  Did fall ball for the first time in several years due to some pro interest but ready for it to be over after this week at Jupiter so he can rest the arm.  Like many he is looking to make a run at state with high school team and play basketball for the fun of it.

A tidbit from the dad of a kid who signed last Nov and is having a great freshman year: If the school offers summer classes and you can swing it financially, DO IT.  Just the fact of getting his feet wet, living on campus and getting a taste of what “life will be like” by taking a couple classes before the crush of 13 credits and 20 hour per week practices in the fall was so worth it!

Good luck to all. 

It is not an option for my son.  He was told before he committed when we were there for a visit that he could be coming in early July for workouts and classes.  He would be taking his hardest classes when there were fewer distractions and more help.  I also assume when they have more control over who is teaching the class/classes.  All freshmen baseball players are required to be there and it seems to be the norm for P5 since almost everybody we talked to during recruitment talked about it.

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