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There may be a few freshmen parents who have great news to share about their sons' prospects for being impact players in their first year, but don't be shy about posting if that's not your son's situation yet!

Clemente21 asked for feedback re: college freshmen players, but here's a two-for-one deal. My son is a sophomore and I'll report on both years so far. Smile

My 2004 RHP son chose his college based directly on a lot of the advice we learned from this website: Choose a school where you would want to be if baseball ended for some reason, try to make a realistic assessment of your ability to contribute and at what level, go where you will play, go where they want you. He ended up at a small D3 school with a strong baseball program and a very good head coach and pitching coach, both of whom he liked and felt he would learn from.

His freshman year was perhaps typical for many freshmen. Enjoyed Fall baseball, loved his new team and coaches, and was given some positive feedback about where he should fit into the program. About this time last year, he felt certain he had chosen the right place. Missed the girlfriend a lot, and the family a little, but fortunately was able to come home many weekends. Spring came, and with it some fairly common ups and downs. The beloved head coach left unexpectedly, the team had more losses than wins in a new conference, and son's personal performance was inconsistent. About 10 pitching appearances, with a few pretty good ones, a few very bad ones Eek and a handful in the middle. Perhaps his best contribution for last year was pitching a complete game win against a weak opponent, but in the most terrible snow-sleet-wind-rain combination, saving some of the more experienced pitchers from having to risk injury in that yucky stuff (he was very happy to have the opportunity).

Throughout the entire year he enjoyed being part of the team, and at the end of the season, he was somewhat disappointed at his own performance and contributions, but was very comfortable and confident that he had chosen the right school, and was looking forward to this year. This Fall has started off with joy and excitement. Son still loves the team, likes the school and classes, and shows potential for making a much bigger contribution to his team this year. The team is shooting for a conference championship. MN-Mom is very happy to see happy kid... Big Grin Excuse me, I have to go back to work now and earn money for that D3 tuition...
Way too early to give a detailed report.

1. Academically, fitting in nicely, even with Calculus III factored in.
2. No problems on missing home (always been independent) or missing girlfriend (she's at the same college).
3. Likes his teammates and coaches fine. Upperclassmen are a large help on the team.
4. Workouts proceeding fine except for a pulled calf muscle that is about healed (didn't stop the running, just added PT before/after running).

They don't start fall practices until October ... like I said, way to early to report much.
We've had a thread going in the KY forum on college experiences, but I'll repeat a couple of things and apologize for boring anyone. Smile I would have to say it's been some highs and some lows with 4 1/2 weeks into JUCO. Son feels he's playing well. Classes have been very easy with a larger class load than I had originally wanted him to take - so that's very good news. He and girlfriend here at home are definately having adjustments. Smile He likes teammates - even the one that thinks IN basketball is better than KY basketball. Roll Eyes I got extremely worried this week because he didn't travel to a game. I envisioned the worse and it was nothing like that. Several good players left behind for this one. There's a lot of small things for him to learn and me as well! Wink
Enjoy reading the reports and would also like to follow your sons. Is there a reason why
we(as a group) are reluctant to say our son's names and what schools they attend? I know
there is a thread that has all the info but it would be much easier if a name and school
could be mentioned in THIS thread when giving an update. Just a thought. I know where a number of sons are but am too old to remember them all.
My son, a freshman at Southern Illinois University, just loves it down there, we are 5 hours North! His classes are great and he says the 15 hrs he is taking should be no problem!!!
I think the MANDATORY study groups are helping in that arena.

Suitemates are team mates and he has completely fit in (he is usually painfully shy) he knew no one down there. Practice is like something from HELL, but he hasn't missed one even though every bone in his body hurts!

No girlfriend to miss so that is a plus, but I think he misses his dad, who I think also qualifies as one of his best friends. We get to go down on the 8th of Oct. for a Scrimmage game and a Parent Picnic afterwards...Should be nice.
My son is at a Texas JUCO and adapting well.

He doesn't care for the "cafe" food and is trying to adjust to the earlier hours....due to his busy schedule, work of parents, etc. we rarely ate dinner before 8-8:30 at night. Now the dining room closes at 6:30.

He hasn't missed any classes but did sleep through one Sunday morning practice on Labor Day Weekend. He has always had a tough time in the mornings being a true night owl. His roomate said he tried to slam doors and stuff but he didn't stir a bit.
I doubt he will make that mistake again since some other members of the team were caught drinking by security that same night and he ended up having to do the same punishment they had to do since they all had to pay up on the next week after the "offenders" of the drinking incident identified themselves. He didn't say exactly what they had to do but he said he threw up nine times before he was done.

Two players have already dropped off the team - one because he said practice was too hard and one because he was not attending classes and refused to do the punishment required.

He enjoys having a fall schedule even though as a pitcher his playing time has been limited to 3 innings a weekend...same for all pitchers. The irony is not lost on him that all he wants to do is be on the field but his goal is to be out there for as short as possible or he wouldn't be doing his job. (3 pitches, 3 up-3 down would be the perfect inning)
This weekend he gave up one hit, no runs, and no runner past second but had only one K with two walks so he was disappointed.

His body hurts but he pushes harder because he wants to get better.
He doesn't particularly like his classes but doesn't dislike them either....but that has been true for him for years.

I've gone on too long I will close by saying I think it has been harder on his dad and me not to see him everyday, chat about his day, not see his games, etc. than it's been on him Smile
Last edited by bluesky
My son is now a sophomore in college. Freshman year had its highs and lows, alot of uncertainty not just with baseball, but fitting in to a whole new life. Away from home for the first time and didn't know a soul at the school. But overall he felt he made the right choice, really came to love the school, coaches and the team. Didn't get much playing time freshman year, but said his experience on the team was the best he'd ever had in baseball. It really became more than about the game as he developed friendships with his coaches and teammates-a family away from home.

And what a differnce a year makes. He's an "old pro" sophomore now (lol) and just can't wait for the season. They just got their '06 game schedule and he emailed it and called immediately (wow was that a nice call to get).

I think it takes every college student the better part of the first semester to find their way and to fit in. By being part of a team, working hard, connecting with your teammates etc. can make for an easier adjustment. I think you just need to keep the hopes and goals high but the expectations in check and the freshman year will be a good one.

And as Bluesky points out above, it's always tougher on us parents than the kids. They're having the time of their life and we're home doing the same old thing, well maybe even less with them not around.
Last edited by HeyBatter felt like someone was tearing my heart out when we left him, hubby said "I feel like I'm deserting him". But like you said HeyBatter, they adjust much more quickly than we do. What with the travel ball and the high school ball, he WAS our lives!

I've had to take the keys away from hubby, he's almost gone down to see him twice, and he's only been gone a month!!!
While his freshman year has been four years ago I can remember it like it was yesterday. I guess the goodbye was toughest for us. Mom shed a few tears and I could “feel” the moment. His mother and I just rode (didn’t talk much) on the 7 hour ride home. In our minds we were remembering the past 17 years. He adjusted quite well, understood what he could get by academically and loved the baseball. I asked him a few months into his freshman year what he liked best about college life... He said... “The freedom and independence”. I asked what he didn’t like and he chuckled and said.... “The freedom and the independence”. He suddenly realized he was responsible for all his actions and no one was there to remind him about anything. The toughest thing for me as a parent was the long distance reprimands. It could be cars, girls, grades, partying, or a vast array of things. With us it was the cell phone abuse, the failure to take academics seriously, and the money issue. I have never figured out how our son (or yours) can establish their independence while mom and dad are providing the support? Amazing but they do it… noidea

Scholly ’05, at high end DI…

- With the sage advice of all the HSBBWS Mom’s….am sending regular care packages, rather than calling hourly…Great suggestion…loves ‘em!

- Despite large class load, school seems to be easy so far…(I suggested that he another 6 units of upper division. Didn’t much care for that idea. Wonder why?...)

- Intense, self directed, summer long weight and running program paid off big…finds conditioning very tolerable…even in the heat.

- Equipment day was Christmas/heaven/birthday all wrapped into one glorious shining moment. (I tell you, I could see the grin on his face when he told me about how they put a new, university supplied, bat into his hands…and I’m 10 hours away).

- Loves hanging with the kids on the team.

- Doing laundry without expressed incident…This is a mystery? How is this possible? Is he paying someone? Mother however expects everything to be pink upon his return at break….

- Has made tons of new friends in dorms…I call, he’s always in a crowd…Having way too much fun.

- Haven’t seen it yet but home town, daughter generated, parental rumor has a picture of him on his internet web site…with a girl! .

- Hanging around with potential high MLB AND NBA draft picks. (Big $ through osmosis? I for one like this development…)

- Despite Dinning card…still keeps Chipolte and Subway in business.

- Out to dinner with the pitchers the other night…How cool is that!

- Really enjoying the fall collegiate football factor.

- Mother/Father getting used to empty nest…at this rate should be OK with it by…say….2010.

To synopsize…Simply loves being a college athlete.....I highly recommend doing this for your kids…. Cool

Boy oh boy, it's like you all are thinking what we're thinking,,,,and it's nice to know we're not alone!

May I take this opportunity to thank you all for all the help you've been throughout my sons
high school career. I thought that when we were done I would be off this site and onto something new, but every time I sit down at the puter, the fingers just seem to hit hsbaseballweb!!

Thanks again
Right MN-Mom! Big Grin Participating in this website community carries an implied responsibility. Those who take away valuable recruiting information are requested to remain long enough to pass on your experiences to the next group of players and parents. It's this "pay-it-forward" philosophy that keeps this site alive and makes it something special. Smile
Last edited by RHP05Parent
Early indications are he made a great choice, says he really likes the school and spends a lot of time hanging out with members of the team. Miss him like crazy but this weekend is parents weekend and Sunday they scrimmage, I can't wait, been going stir crazy without baseball. Tried to watch some fall high school ball in the area but it just wasn't the same without him on the team.

Mom tends to dominate the phone calls, so I generally get to say hello and try to ask the more obscure baseball questions without being redundant. Email seemed to be a good solution for awhile but even those responses have slowed, hope its a combination of school work and practice leaving him too little time but suspect he is just having too much fun in his off hours to bother with typing emails.

I sure hope the weather is good in PA this weekend, with a college football game and a college baseball scrimmage I don't want to miss a thing.

Oh yeah, I found out my golf game still stinks after 15 years of spending weekends at baseball tournaments and games.

Our experience and my son's experience is very similar to what you describe. I have been kidding with people that it is like the time with your first girlfriend where you are constantly waiting for the phone to ring Smile

This past weekend, I went up to the local JUCO and watched a game that had some of my son's ex-hs team mates. I could not stand it anymore not to be watching live baseball in the fall. BTW, the weather in Ohio and Pa has been spectacular this fall and hopefully it will continue for your trip Smile
I have a sophomore son that transferred to Tennessee(now 11 hour drive) from USF(70 minutes) and a freshman son who started at U of North Florida(2 hour drive).

Tennessee son, first week, was somewhat homesick but the players on the team made him feel very welcome and the catcher JP Arencibia-USA National Team and BaseballAmerica Summer All Star Team went out of his way to make my son feel special-actually helping him move in to his apartment and carrying some of the heavy items and telling son "We
take care of our pitchers here!". What a welcome difference from previous school. As
another poster has already stated, my son thinks it's Christmas and his birthday at the same time. It seems there is something new in his locker every day. Workouts have been
tough but it's what he was hoping for. Can't wait for fall practice to begin officially.

UNF son was somewhat homesick also but made friends with two vet pitchers the first week
and they have taken him under their wing and made him feel special also. Lift weights
MWF at 5:00AM and he and his roomie are there when the coach opens the weight room. Intra-squad games started Monday and son got to throw 30 pitches-said he thought he did
"pretty good". He is also getting some at bats and said he has made good contact all 4
AB's but no hits yet. Classes not a problem for either one yet so that's good news. Haven't asked for $ yet clap but I think they're too exhausted to do anything else.

They call frequently to update us but it's not like being there-very difficult to drop
two sons off at college the same week but with a senior daughter still at home and doing
volleyball and cross country at the same time it still gives us something to look forward

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