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I will add that if Matthew Purke were draft elgible he would be 1st on my list. He is an 09 LHP.

at this point I think I will go with Randal Thorp OF from Heritage HS. Physically is easy to dream on and has shown some athletic things to me.

again, I haven't listed these guys in any order yet but they would fall behind the ones mentioned earlier.

I'll mention Jordan Swaggerty. I'm mixed on him however. Has a good arm and even shows better behind plate than on the mound in at least the 7 times I've seen him. He isn't very physical and you have to hope he will continue to grow. His bat also has a ways to go.

Also, Kyle Winkler, RHP in Houston area. Can really really pitch and I've seen up to 92. But is there anything left in his tank both physically and tool wise to be in the top tier list.

and also Hunter Cervenka LHP in Houston area. I just wanta see his body language improve along with his ability to use his mix of pitches in the strike zone.

PG STAFFER, I can understand you having Grossman at the top for several reasons. My problem is he isn't the natural hitter that Ramirez is. I just wish Grossman swung it like the little bitty guy from Fl. (Gomez) and I've seen Haley 94-96 and with his potential with his breaking ball and his physical projection to add strength and size to an already solid frame I'd have to put Haley in front of him.
Last edited by Vance34
BY nortexbaseball... The real fraud or dis-credit is the kids who don't get mentioned, I mentioned earlier in a post to PG staff how PG ranked a player from my team very high, He was a role/bench player on our team and the fact is we had 9-10 players who were clearly better baseball players(baseball talant) then him. I know PD can relate his DBAT players rarely get mention in list's, yet when it comes down to it those kids can flat play... His son is a perfect example of a highly underated player...Dichary and Jungman have been studs since they were 10 and get the credit they deserve. If you polled the people who have seen this class play day in and day out over the years you would see some very unfamiliar names when it came to chooseing players for a list!

What and when did you mention anything? This is your third post as nortexbaseball. None of the other two posts was directed to me.

Also talk to the people who run DBat and ask them if we rarely mention their players on our lists. In fact, some have accused us of ranking DBat players too high in the past. Listen why not start adding some names here of those you see play day in and day out. I’ll promise not to call you a fraud or that you’re discrediting anyone. BTW, how do you discredit someone if they are not on the list. You know there will always be most players who are not on anyone’s list.

Check the past few years and see how many we have missed from the state of Texas. It's easy if you care to research it.

I don’t mind talking about the kids (we’ve seen) from TX. It’s obvious that “Vance” knows what he’s talking about IMO.

I agree that JP Ramirez is one of the top hitters in the 08 class. However I believe that Grossman is close to his bat, and grades higher in every other tool. (including power). We like the way both play the game, but Grossman is a very special player with off the chart makeup.

Also like Swagerty, only maybe even more on the mound. Winkler is outstanding, only size keeps him from being at or near the top. Cervenka has big tools and big arm. Being a lefty he only needs to develop better command of his pitches. I think I like him better as an outfielder right now, but that could change in a hurry.

When it is all said and done please check all the lists and then you can see which lists have the most credibility. It's very easy to check this stuff out if you want to.
Last edited by PGStaff
I'm trying to be a careful poster Smile -- I see myself as a grey person at times....not sure that's a good thing. I too think Vance34 knows what he is talking about -- I thought it before this topic was opened. That's why I think his "list" or his opinions are legitimate, TRhit. I also think PGSTAFF knows the Texas players and I think their organization is top-rate (I've said it before). The DBAT players are well-represented on the 2008 PG list -- the people that run DBAT should have no complaints.

Having said that, I think they missed my son (ok, DOG PILE ON PANTHERDAD, QUICK!). Cool Mizzou didn't miss him and that's what matters at this point. Others will see him more in the spring. He's not a top 25 kid in Texas....he may not be in the top's all good.

I believe there are many good players that are "missed". I also think there are players that are rated higher than others with more talent, it's understandable. Despite the fact that opinions will vary on the top kids.....that smaller list is usually very accurate.

Be gentle, especially you JAFO.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Having said that, I think they missed my son (ok, DOG PILE ON PANTHERDAD, QUICK!). Mizzou didn't miss him and that's what matters at this point. Others will see him more in the spring. He's not a top 25 kid in Texas....he may not be in the top's all good.

I believe there are many good players that are "missed". I also think there are players that are rated higher than others with more talent, it's understandable. Despite the fact that opinions will vary on the top kids.....that smaller list is usually very accurate.


We are not Perfect! I am sorry we missed your son, but it happens. I assure you that we are looking into that. It's embarrassing to miss top players, but it does happen sometimes. Your son is just living proof that not being on a list is not the end of the world. When and if he appears on our list, chances are that shortly after you'll see him appear on other lists that are considered important.

I have no problem with those who "list" players, so long as they have actually seen them. There are some very important lists out there that are put together without anyone actually seeing many of the players. That is something we don't do! And I bet that is something that Vance don't do either.

Other than that, people need to understand that MLB clubs and colleges don't always agree about who is #1 or #2 or #3. It's not always cut and dry. Scott Kazmir's TX high school team mate was drafted before Kazmir. BTW, we had Kazmir #1 in the country that year. We also were the only one who had Josh Beckett (TX) ranked ahead of Josh Hamilton. We were the only one to have Carl Crawford (TX) in the top 10 that same year. He still wasn't drafted until the second round.

Lists are nothing more than opinions. You can't have a good opinion about someone you haven't seen play. But when a player is recruited by a high level DI )like your son) or someone you trust is telling you about a player... The next step is to get your people to see him ASAP and send in a report and go from there.
Most people realize that educated, thorough opinions are better than inexperienced, off-the-wall thoughts. Vance34 has expressed his thoughts here before......and your track record speaks for itself. I don't rank players for the very reason you mention -- I haven't see most of the Houston & south Texas kids. But I am baseball-educated enough to be able to understand the characteristics/tools that are held in high regard by the evaluators.

Certainly pro scouts and college scouts will rate players differently in many cases. In that regard I'm not sure where Vance34's background lies. It seems to me that your experience can benefit both groups.
PG, you have great points and I agree with them all. Grossman does have a better package to bring to the table and I would say based on 4 years with both he and Ramirez that the makeup was very very even. I like Grossman, I do, but the one tool that matters needs to become more consistent.

LHP Brad Dydalewicz who is more of a thrower right now but with a big arm. He has battled some soreness and tender spells but could really come on. I haven't seen from him what I saw from him since summer before Jr. year. Also a name not on many if any list for those that want some of those. Nathan Evoldi a RHP (I'll let you guys track him down) good good arm. Another intriging guy because of his size and strength is Jordan Imhoff. He also has some bat ability and is easy to project power from him. He may move up the list come the spring. There's even a guy "all the way up" in Amarillo named Clayton Cook RHP who showed me some good arm strength who could come on. I like Jonathan Perlman SS/2b, despite the fact his Dad was a 1st Rounder ( Razz ). He likes to play and is a good player with projectable gains ahead.
Last edited by Vance34

Great stuff!!!

We saw Dydalewicz lights out once at around 93 with the whole package. Next time we saw him he wasn't nearly as good (both velocity and the rest). We've heard he's been lighting it up lately, but was told not to attend Jupiter tournament. I think if he was ready, he should have been there, but that's just a guess.

We actually are trying to track Evoldi. I haven't, but our people have seen Imhoff from Arlington. Thanks for the Cook name, we will check him out. We need to see Perlman again too.

I really like Matt Graham (09) a lot. Seen him 4 or 5 times this year and he's been up to 94 all but once (93 that time). He is going to be fun to follow. Purke is a guy we have fairly high on the list, but probably should rank even higher. It looks like the 09 class is extra special in Texas. And that just includes the ones we have seen to this point.

Don't know about anyone else, but I enjoy this type of discussion. I'm all ears!
Last edited by PGStaff
I actually started the thread to pick up a few names. But doesn't look that way. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and thanks for being a part.

I really like Graham and would put him high high on my 09 list. He is physical and he is easy. Yeah, for me, Purke is a cross between Glavine and Avery. He can really pitch and hit spots and he also has the plus velo. He was dominate vs the best 08 kids in Jupiter.

I'll admit I had Hamilton ahead of Beckett but felt you couldn't go wrong with either. Hamilton was something you don't see often from a HS kid as was Beckett. Hamilton, has made strides and if he had played the entire season healthy would have been the NL Rookie of year this year. And of course, Beckett needs no pub! As for Kazmir, he was one on my list to even with the off field issues and for me Crawford showed flashes and was as athletic as you'll see and was in the top tier for me as well. Special special players you have mentioned above PG Staffer. Its easy, very easy to see those guys and say, "oh Yeah, big leaguer". whats even better is you can compare those guys to the guys in 08 and as you said not up to the normal Tx. standard. But thats ok. Someone will step up and make a name for himself.

A1 Mathew Purke (09)
A2 Matt Graham (09)

I'll put these 6 in the upper tier for now

1. Trey Haley
2. JP Ramirez
3. Taylor Jungman
4. Robbie Grossman
5. Jared Cosart

Walker Kelly

I'll put these 3 on the threshhold, no particular order

Randal Thorp
Hunter Cervenka
Brad Dydalewicz

And this group standing at the door, no particular order

Austin DiChary
Jordan Swaggerty
Nathan Evoldi
Jordan Imhoff
Clayton Cook
Jonathan Perlman

I'll make an adjustment or 2 and I will add more name's as we move along. There has to be a guy or two to add here.
PG let me apologize!!! It was not my intention to drag your organization under the bus again with that reference. I have many post's over a couple years and recently changed usernames. It has been six months since i have seen your list and like i said before you guys do a tremendous job, My point is it seems that there are many kids that don't get enough exposure to your organization and therefore don't get recognized. Many (not all)of the "list's" posted or referenced on this site are either bad or biased.
another point is the criteria for a MLB prospect can be confusing from the standpoint of tremendous make-up, solid mechanics, extremely productive ect...VS big tools.... Ive witnessed many big tool kids that just can't compete in a competitive game.

PD---nice post!!!
Last edited by nortexbaseball

your screamin for a lost cause. Here is why.

There are a few things that play in the big leagues.

of course, BIG TOOLS, doesn't matter if they know how to play the game when they are in HS. They will play many innings in the minors to improve upon that. The one's who have the BIG TOOLS and improve their "How to Play" the quickest "Move Up the System the Quickest".

Game Awareness and Makeup, keep in mind here that the last two will tend to be lower round picks and alot of those are out of college.

I hate to say it but you can be the best player in HS and have no tools and you can have a RAW ATHLETE who is STRONG that drops balls and strikes out but is loose and easy. Guess who gets the opprotunity everytime.

TOOLS for the most part (not Always) can be taught to play. But keep in mind. Pure hitters who have strength always get a chance at "some point"
So excited to see y'all have noticed Matt!! Not that my opinion matters, but you couldn't meet a finer young man! He was a teammate of my son's for the last two years and the upperclassmen had really good things to say about him even as a freshman-unlike some who make varsity young and let it go to their heads. Very polite, respectful young man! GO Matt
Four things:

1) Leave the poor Yankee alone, I am an Danm Yankee, I came and stayed,. Unless the poor man ever comes down here he won't ever know any isn't his fault he's not well traveled

2) Thank you for the Top Tier list but for those of us who mostly lurk can you add some HS or Summer Team information. I know Imhoff is at Arl Martin, Swaggerty is at PCA and I watched Thorp briefly in Jupiter, I think he plays for the Mustangs but other than that the details would help.

3) After going to Jupiter for the first time my eyes have been openned wide. Many of the kids I see around here are just small even if they can play. There were so many boys I saw in Jupiter that could flat-out play and had size and athletic talent that I fully understand why so many times you here coaches and scouts say size matters.

4) Last Spring I start a thread about 09 verse 08, I am glad to see that occasionally this **** Yankee gets it right.....according to the pros...Vance and PG. I will say that my overall opinion of that top of the 08 class was always high and has only increased after watching some of them play this past summer and in the Metro Scout League.
Randall Thorpe plays at Colleyville and for the Dallas Tigers.

Regarding Jupiter, MeatsDad was right. We had some bad breaks, but played well and ended with a 10-0 win over Puerto Rico and a 2-3 record overall. We were hurt by 4 of our regulars not playing fall ball because of football and one out injured.

However, my thanks go out to the kids that stepped in and made the trip with us. They really contributed and I think got some good looks. (There were no less than 75 scouts at our first game.) Austin Elkins, Patrick Palmeiro, and Austin Frappier played well and got some big hits. Shane Henderson and Tyler Carter each pitched well. Several guys are getting emails and letters already from colleges that saw them in Jupiter. Some parents are even getting contacted by agents. Can't wait to go back next year.
it isn't his fault he's not well traveled

It ain't ours either.

3) After going to Jupiter for the first time my eyes have been openned wide. Many of the kids I see around here are just small even if they can play. There were so many boys I saw in Jupiter that could flat-out play and had size and athletic talent that I fully understand why so many times you here coaches and scouts say size matters.

Reminds me of Sunday morning at the FBC, Open mine eyes that I might see.... Glimpses of what thou hast for meee.....

Sorry about that.

I doubt they sing that in Connecticut.

And, now you will be able to observe players you know step into that arena, compete, get better, and continue to grow.

A fascinating process to observe and participate.

Yes, there are some tremendously talented 08's and 09's.

There were some tremendously talented 04's.

Guess what. There are some tremendously talented 10's and 11's, too.

That we have the opportunity to participate in any of it is awesome.

It'll make you say, Fun, ain't it?
Originally posted by TRhit:
For those who say the "poor man" has not traveled, I have probably traveled more than all of you combined but none the less I prefer, by my choice, where I am located---

it sure is fun to post in this forum with a simple question and see sensitive nerve endings get riled--

It is more fun to watch a sad and lonely Yankee have his lunch devoured by a group of fun-lovin' Texans.
Originally posted by TRhit:

it sure is fun to post in this forum with a simple question and see sensitive nerve endings get riled--

Sesitive nerve endings? That sounds fatal.

Really hard for me to be sensitive when I just don't care what you have to say. You may not be a bad person, but to me. . .you're just insignificant.
You guys are fun. I should have video'd TR HIT in Jupiter and posted it here. The best is to just go on and not even read his threads. They are meaningless.

Trey Haley Central Heights HS in Nachadoches
JP Ramirez Canyone HS in New Braunfels
Taylor Jungman Georgetown HS north of Austin
Robbie Grossman Cy Fair HS Cypress Tx.
Jared Cosart Clear Creek HS SE of Houston
Walker Kelly Arlington Heights HS
Randal Thorp Heritage HS
Hunter Cervenka Baytown Sterling HS
Brad Dydalewicz Lake Travis HS
Austin DiChary Klein Collins HS
Jordan Swaggerty Prestonwood Academy
Nathan Evoldi Alvin HS
Jordan Imhoff James Martin HS
Clayton Cook Amarillo HS
Jonathan Perlman Highland Park HS

I'll add Tyler Spurlin RHP The Woodlands HS
Reading this thread reminds me that even though I don't visit this site as often or post nearly as much as I used to, some things never change, such as TRHit attacking Texans every chance he gets. This has been going on since the earliest days of the hsbbweb. What a sad and pathetic way for an old guy to get his "jollies."

trhit =

Texans =

Colton Farrar and Taylor Wall I think will be my last 2 entrys on my Texas HS list. I did get a couple PM's with some names. I appreciate it and will add those names to mt list to see players in the spring. I hope some of you others will PM me with some names.

Also, I'm sure there will be a player who comes on between now and the draft here in Texas that I have not mentioned. I'll be sure to add that players name to the list once he makes himself that type of prospect. There will also be a name or two that I have mentioned that will kind of level out and I will reposition or remove that name from the list.

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