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Anybody out there have any experience with the process of the NTIS Ohio Valley?  The tryout process.  How many  teams they put together.  Different try out locations.  Especially interested in the 14U process.  Thoughts, experiences, good/bad, etc.  Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!  

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We went to Cary 3 years ago with the 14U team.  Aspiring Athletes ran the Ohio Valley NTIS at that time.  If they were still involved....I would ABSOLUTELY recommend AGAINST IT!!!!!  That organization is a fiasco and the weekend we were there was the most disorganized mess I've ever been involved with.  The head coach had no business handling a team in an event of that magnitude. My son came from a better than average AAA level team...and only a couple of our 15 kids could have played for his summer team.  The tryout process was abysmal...and they basically ended up taking any kid willing to the the $$$ to go.    They have a different group running it now so I really can't give you any specifics on them....I can only tell you our experience.   The facility is great....the competition....not so much.  None of the 12 teams there when we played would have a chance at winning the OH or MI Super NIT....not even close. I just don't think the event draws the all the "top level" players that you would least at 14U.  The older ages seemed to be much better, as there were some REALLY good players there...and quite a few major college coaches watching their games. The chances of advancing in the trials based on playing there are minimal....unless your son is throwing 85 at 14U or is 6'3, 200+.  

The USA NTIS program is a good program overall however it can also be an illusion to most who are not well informed about the structure and process.  Let me be of some help with the following:


The USA program is the largest amateur program with the largest network for young players to get on the college radar.


With this said, like any other program, finances are at the forefront, not necessarily grass roots baseball.


Often, with the NTIS, USA Baseball affiliates themselves with regional baseball programs that call themselves "academy's".  Most Academy's are absolutely an illusion and focus on generating paid fees.  I have been coast to coast and have seen many of these so called Academy's and they are NOT good for promoting sound, solid baseball to youth players.


The NTIS is great if you are a "1 percenter" that may continue as a selected player after the NTIS.  The NTIS has Regions across the states.  As said, affiliates run these and then are required to enter a team into the NTIS in Cary, NC.  This is a way for the USA program to guarantee their Cary event is filled every year.  Most of the NTIS sites do NOT represent true talent across the states and often the team is selected with finances in mind and not solely skill.


With anything it seems nowadays, there are those things that make an overall good program bad in some ways.  I advise yo research you Region and make sure you support those regions that are about grassroots baseball and not just finances.  This often can be sniffed out by a telephone call where most often the academy talks about finances, finances, finances and even recruits your player for summer ball team at a lofty price.  Many academy's have a magnitude of teams, as in a "take them all" approach.


I was at an indoor facility once where I over heard an academy guy talking to a group of 3 kids' parents about how much potential they had and they need to really do everything possible in the next 2 years to further their skills.  Saying things like, "there cannot be a price on giving your son the tools to be a D1 player"......and this was my favorite..."we just do not take anyone, we are selective and very competitive in nature.  We say it like it is, not what you want to hear".  Well, I watched these 3 kids in some drills and to be direct and, they had poor fundamentals and were straight out of city league.  The price for the academy, 2950 for the season upfront cost, with incidentals to boot.  Heres the kicker........this is an "academy" that runs one of the Regional NTIS.  


As an earlier post stated, i would have to agree that some comp travel teams could easily handle regional ntis teams.  illusion or not?  you decide.


For love of the game~ 

Originally Posted by Coach Rod:

The USA NTIS program is a good program overall however it can also be an illusion to most who are not well informed about the structure and process.  Let me be of some help with the following:


The USA program is the largest amateur program with the largest network for young players to get on the college radar.


With this said, like any other program, finances are at the forefront, not necessarily grass roots baseball.


Often, with the NTIS, USA Baseball affiliates themselves with regional baseball programs that call themselves "academy's".  Most Academy's are absolutely an illusion and focus on generating paid fees.  I have been coast to coast and have seen many of these so called Academy's and they are NOT good for promoting sound, solid baseball to youth players.


The NTIS is great if you are a "1 percenter" that may continue as a selected player after the NTIS.  The NTIS has Regions across the states.  As said, affiliates run these and then are required to enter a team into the NTIS in Cary, NC.  This is a way for the USA program to guarantee their Cary event is filled every year.  Most of the NTIS sites do NOT represent true talent across the states and often the team is selected with finances in mind and not solely skill.


With anything it seems nowadays, there are those things that make an overall good program bad in some ways.  I advise yo research you Region and make sure you support those regions that are about grassroots baseball and not just finances.  This often can be sniffed out by a telephone call where most often the academy talks about finances, finances, finances and even recruits your player for summer ball team at a lofty price.  Many academy's have a magnitude of teams, as in a "take them all" approach.


I was at an indoor facility once where I over heard an academy guy talking to a group of 3 kids' parents about how much potential they had and they need to really do everything possible in the next 2 years to further their skills.  Saying things like, "there cannot be a price on giving your son the tools to be a D1 player"......and this was my favorite..."we just do not take anyone, we are selective and very competitive in nature.  We say it like it is, not what you want to hear".  Well, I watched these 3 kids in some drills and to be direct and, they had poor fundamentals and were straight out of city league.  The price for the academy, 2950 for the season upfront cost, with incidentals to boot.  Heres the kicker........this is an "academy" that runs one of the Regional NTIS.  


As an earlier post stated, i would have to agree that some comp travel teams could easily handle regional ntis teams.  illusion or not?  you decide.


For love of the game~ 

Nice post Coach Rod.

I have heard a lot of things that make me a bit skeptical.  However, if the Ohio Valley NTIS process has improved over the past couple of years, we would like to check it out.  I completely understand the part about the lack of talent at these events.  Was recently at an Under Armor assessment event, as I wanted some opinions on my son's talent level and areas he needs to work.  I was shocked at the talent level there.  About 25 kids total.  I would have taken only two of those kids for our travel team.  We are in a pretty good travel program here in Ohio, and play in some higher level events.  We are just trying to see what is out there, and where some of these types of things may lead.  If anybody has had experience with this event in the past year or two please keep the feedback and suggestions coming.  Thanks!  

My son and I had a great experience this 2014 season with the NTIS Ohio Valley Region.  My son is a rising 16u infielder and plays Elite Travel ball in one of the best orgs in Ohio.  We have been around the block a time or two so we've seen all kids of events.  Our NTIS experience started with local evaluations in Columbus and Cincinnati.  We went to 2 evals because my son wasn't feeling well at the first one and didnt think he performed at his best.  Present at both were baseball people and not just Dads out to make a buck.  I later found out that they even had local college coaches there looking for talent.  For instance, when we were at evals, present was a former Major Leaguer Darrin Campbell.  He and his guys went out of their way to speak to the boys and add unsolicited tips on how to perform at their best.  These camps were not only well worth our time but I would have had to pay someone additional to speak to my son the way Coach Campbell did.  These were Big League tips!!  We were lucky enough to be invited to Newark, Oh for the regionals and again Darrin and his guys were there welcoming the boys while being very engaged in the evals and scrimmages.  Again, college coaches were present and Coach Campbell pointed them out.  The Ohio Valley coaches were even in the stands speaking to the parents one on one regarding the NTIS and college process and adding helpful bits of info that we could pass on to our boys. It was a very nice experience.  Finally, my son was invited to Cary, NC were again the event was second to none.  The Ohio Valley staff was very knowledgeable about the game and was by far the most professional staff there.  We are signing up again this year and have spread the word to our org about the NTIS experience.  That is as long as Coach Campbell and his guys are running things and from what I heard, they are.  Just my thoughts everyone.  Good luck and see you on the field.

Howdy, We are considering this again this year.  That fact that you had a positive experience, is encouraging.  Football interfered (dates wise) with being involved at the younger levels (Cary dates).  However, it appears the older kids play earlier in July.  So, this year, if he were to make it to that level, we could actually go to Cary.  Just curious, if you don't mind, what program in Ohio you are with.  We may run across each other this year.  I checked for dates of NTIS Ohio Valley tryouts online, but none are listed yet. 



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