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At our HS, the varsity and JV teams have a "together" practice time, where all five coaches work with all the players. Then, the teams split into their squads for the last half of practice. It works great, almost like a mini-spring training, and gets all the players on the same page. So, while there might be 35 players between the two teams, with five coaches, it works quite nicely.
1 Head coach (paid)
1 Pitching coach (paid)
1 assistant coach (volunteer-- used to be paid by booster club)
1 "special instructor" (volunteer-retired from head-coaching job)

1 coach (paid; coaches both baseball and basketball no teaching work)

1 coach (paid; coaches only baseball; works outside of school setting)

This is what it will look like this year. We only have one field so the Freshman are out of luck quite a bit. JV and Varsity practice together some, but not a whole lot.
Last edited by Bulldog 19
1 paid head coach (me)
3 assistants - all volunteers...but no parents
16-18 players max

1 paid head coach
2 assistants - all volunteers...but no parents
13-15 players max

2 paid coaches -- they split the paycheck!
13-15 players max

***I can't pay my assistants - but I have a reputation of spending A LOT of money on them anyway (jackets, caps, clinics, etc.). I think it is extremely important for a coach to show his gratitude to his coaches - they can make or break a program...and mine are GREAT!

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