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This is a special catcher's interference. With a runner trying to score, either on a steal or bunt, and the catcher or other fielder interferes with the batter the ball is dead and you enforce both a CI and a balk. In other words the runner scores and the batter is awarded first. It doesn't happen often and some believe it should be taken out of the book but it is there so call it if it happens.
As usual, MST has nailed the ruling. ....One of the great things about this website for me is that questions that come up "FORCE" me to the rule book.....

The rulings that I have come to use game in and game out, I can quote those by rule number and section...but the game of baseball is tricky and in this case, I sought out my reference material to study this rule..... Clearly the first thing I understand is that this isnt a situation that comes up often, but when it does, you can be darn sure I am now reliably refreshed on the applicable rule and award...

So how do you get better in the offseason......go into this the opening question......give a quick ruling in your head........then read the posted responses.....agree???....great move on to the next one.....disagree???.........pull out the reference be suprized at what you can find.

Still have a question, write it in a thread here...between the group of us, we have the proper advanced referemce materials and I know we have an extensive real game experience levels to work it through........

alright my cabin fever showing bad enough yet? least december is in the bag...........
Last edited by piaa_ump

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