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One of the nicest, thoughtful, and most humble people we have here at the hsbbweb! I am proud to call him a friend of mine even though we only know each other electronically. I have a hunch he is much taller than me since his sons are both 6'6" Big Grin

Please welcome me in congratulating him and his family as his son went 4-5, a homerun, and drove in five yesterday
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    "I am proud to call him a friend of mine even though we only know each other electronically."

CD!...44!...quit asking!
How many times do I have to tell you?
I don't know the codes!

    OmniLink© Ankle Bracelet Electronic Monitoring Device

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And why do I keep replacing the batteries? Well that's a whole other story...


Last edited by gotwood4sale
I have the joy of knowing obs44 in real life - and of watching both of his sons play. They attended the same high school as my son - just a couple of years ahead. They are two of nicest young men that you could ever want to meet.

BTW - Kyle's bio is worth clicking on - not only is he an outstanding athlete, he has delivered in the classroom. When people say baseball players can't keep up in the classroom, Kyle is a proof point that it can be done.

Congrats to Kyle!!!!

Last edited by 08Dad
Congratulations to Kyle! Julie...thanks for sharing the link to UNLV. I knew that O44 had a son on the Rebel roster from his prior posts, but wasn't sure who he was? O44, you must be a very proud dad! And not only for Kyle's baseball accomplishments, but the amazing job he's done in the classroom. Enjoy & good luck the rest of the year!
Well, having video (that I am trying to upload) of the 4-5 I can tell you he is a Very good batter. And, a good kid. He probably fouled off 6 borderline pitches to get the one he wanted to hit his first rbi with.

He proved "Stitchead" from right when Stitchhead said that Kyle was the power that we needed!

True indeed.
Last edited by playfair
Adding my congrats to O'44 and Kyle. Awesome kid, awesome dad! His boys have been lucky to have such an insightful father. They are amazing boys. My son has had the pleasure of hitting in the off-season with Kyle and he always comes home and says what a stud he is.

Good things do happen to good people. The O'44 family is a great example of what happens when you work hard and do the right things.

Congrats Chris and Kyle, keep up the good work.
While I am one of those who like to keep the kids profiles low...

...I am overwhelmed, gratified and humbled by the nature of the posts and the quality of the "postees"...We drove 18 hours and made two airline flights to see 4 games and both boys last weekend and it was worth every minute...irregardless of baseball results. Then to be greeted by this...all that I can say is...Thanks to all, again humbled.


BTW, in all reality...the wind was blowing out, the strike zone tiny, the pitching "DI Sunday", the game a slugfest...but who cares it has been a long, long road full of potholes and challenges and it was heckafun to sit back and finally watch him go off just once...
Last edited by observer44
..We drove 18 hours and made two airline flights to see 4 games and both boys last weekend and it was worth every minute

Boy, we drove to Davis, watched about 14 innings of the doubleheader with Utah and scrambled back for the last 6 innings of the 2nd game on Saturday between Rice and Stanford.
I thought we did well.
I am completely humbled by and in awe of the O'44 family travel to be with their sons.
Not surprised, just completely humbled and in awe reading the efforts of a family to share and support each other.

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