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Question about HS rules. Runner trying to return to first after a flyout. Shortstop takes the cutoff throw and throws to first to double up runner. First baseman has his foot on the middle edge of the bag and is stretching for the throw. Runner does not slide but runs into the fielder as the ball reaches him.

Umpire rules obstruction. Said the first baseman did not the runner a path to the base.
Original Post
Most times every question has a bit of what we call HTBT (had to be there)and indiviual umpire judgment and this is one where it applies more so than not....

obstruction can be called when a fielder without possesion of the ball denies access to the base the runner is attempting to achieve.....

sounds to me as if the umpire in question thought that was the case.....
Last edited by piaa_ump

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