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I was filling in for our team's scorekeeper in a 14U travel (USSSA rules) game this past weekend and had the following come up...


Opposing coach declares at the plate meeting that he is going to bat the lineup (allowed under the league's rules).  The lineup I am given lists 11 players in the order and no subs.


After the 11th batter completes his at bat, a 12th player comes up instead of the lead off batter.  I double checked my book and the lineup I was given and this player was not listed, so I informed our head coach.  After the batter completed his at bat (a walk), the coach called time and informed the PU of the situation.  After a quick discussion the batter was declared out.


The opposing coach made the argument that he declared he was going to bat the lineup, and that even if the player was accidentally left off of the lineup, it shouldn't have made a difference.  The PU ruled that regardless of the plate meeting - the lineup is what takes precedence.


Now, I'm not 100% sure if the PU handled the situation correctly...  Thinking about it later, I was wondering if the correct batter was declared out?  By the lineup we were given, should the lead off batter have been declared out instead of the ghost batter?


Additionally, if our coach wanted to push the issue - would the ghost player have been ineligible to play because he wasn't on the original lineup?  Not that we would have gone that route, but just to know how the situation is supposed to be ruled.  As it was we allowed him to be added as a sub, I just don't know technically how this should have all been sorted out.

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This concerns a league specific rule, and there's no reason for most umpires who post here to have familiarity with the situation.




The relevant section:

7.02.D.1(c) If a team uses a continuous line-up, all players other than the nine (9) defensive position players are Extra Hitters and may move freely in defensive positions with the exception of the pitching position. Any player(s) arriving after the game has begun, shall be added to the bottom of the batting line-up. When using the continuous lineup and a player has to leave the game for any reason, that position in the line-up becomes an out when that at bat comes around.

Originally Posted by 3FingeredGlove:

This concerns a league specific rule, and there's no reason for most umpires who post here to have familiarity with the situation.



Yea - I knew this one was out of the norm.  


It gets complicated by the fact that the player did actually bat in the place he should have - he was just never put on the lineup or announced.  The PU declared him out, but if it's batting out of order - it should be the correct batter that gets called out.


I thought that batting the lineup was supposed to make things easier...


Originally Posted by Matt13:

I don't do USSSA rules, but given the quoted rule, what we have in the OP is an unreported addition to the bottom of the order. He's legal, so write him down and play ball.

That was what I thought at the time.  I had already fulfilled what I thought was my responsibility, so I let those on the field sort it out. Nobody really argued the call much.


It didn't end up impacting the game fortunately.  Just a weird occurrence.

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