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2013 has been trying to reach the coaching staff where he will do an Open House visit in a couple of days (last minute game cancellation, so we're making good use of that spare day out of town).

He keeps missing them even when he offers a call-back time. It's entirely possible they are on the road and we won't have any luck at all, but it's worth the shot.

He also left a message for the office specialist in the Athletics office to at least find out of anyone will be in that office when we are on campus.

I'm guessing that even she cannot return a call, so we may have to call her back, too. Does anyone know?

Worst-case we'll stop in anyway. They have his information on the prospect list and they've checked out his berecruited, so it can't hurt to try.

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D3 can call anytime.
D2 can call after June 15 following the junior year. The calls could be placed by a coach or a staff member.
D1 can call after July 1. Coaches can call and some staff members, if certified.

Trying to arrange anything at this point in 2013's career is going to be pretty difficult, because D1 and D2 can't email either until September 1. Of course, if a school really wants to talk to 2013, they'll contact his travel or high school coach.
Hey 3F - you seem to know all about NCAA regs so I have a quick follow up, if you don't mind.

I know that students can't get calls until those dates you mentioned, but what about emails?

My 2013 has had some emails from coaches. Some of the emails are saying "we can't really write to you until Sept 1, so just fill out this form (or, come to our camp of course!), and get back in touch after Sept 1 of Junior year."

However there have been 1 or 2 other D1 coaches that have sent a little 'chatty' email notes nice to hear from you, or good job on academics, etc.

We are not reading too much into this, BTW, I know it is just marketing at this point.

Most (but not all) of the those emails also have some reference to a camp. So I am also thinking (dangerous thing, I know Smile maybe it is OK for the coach to email a 2013 as long as it is also in reference to a camp that anyone can attend, which is therefore not recruiting? Does that sound right?

My other observation/question is that many of the athlete questionnaires ask them to certify that they are a HS junior, so my son wants to hold of returning these until Sept. I think that makes sense, since at that point he will also have his complete summer stats. Do you agree?

By rule, no email with recruiting content can be sent before September 1 of the junior year from D1 or D2 schools.

Schools vary in how strictly they observe this rule, and some will send recruiting emails to players before September 1.

I'm not sure why you would want to hold off on returning a questionaire. In my view, colleges have lists of players that are interesting to them. If a player is on the list, but not right at the top, there is value to the school in knowing that the player is interested in the school. It helps them to expend their recruiting resources effectively. Returning a questionaire is one way to express interest. Far better is a personalized email which demonstrates real interest on the part of the player. If the player isn't on the list, the only thing that will cause interest from the school is performance on the field.
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
I'm not sure why you would want to hold off on returning a questionaire. In my view, colleges have lists of players that are interesting to them. If a player is on the list, but not right at the top, there is value to the school in knowing that the player is interested in the school. It helps them to expend their recruiting resources effectively. Returning a questionaire is one way to express interest. Far better is a personalized email which demonstrates real interest on the part of the player. If the player isn't on the list, the only thing that will cause interest from the school is performance on the field.

Very good advice, I would say. 2013 attended a one-day camp at a D-I that would be a very nice fit academically but may be a stretch for baseball. It was still early, so we gave it a shot and he performed well and received valuable feedback in a written evaluation.

During that event the recruiting coordinator talked to the parents as a group and answered every one of these types of questions with complete candor. He said absolutely fill out the questionnaire and send updates after every season. He said they want to watch a player develop as much as possible - where a HS sophomore is may not seem important, until you compare those numbers to his later seasons. Ideally they will see solid and steady growth.

He also said something that has stuck with me. "Almost every kid we see starts as a 'maybe'. There are very few immediate "yes" or "no".
Good thread.

My comment on 'holding off' on sending q'aires back is just the timing, not holding off a long time but waiting for more complete info. With only one tournament, possibly two, left in summer ball, and a PG showcase in 2 weeks, son is thinking he might wait until he has complete info on the season plus possibly a (decent??)PG rating. And, that he can say, 'yes I am a junior' because most of the forms ask that.

By the way I like that last quote 'almost everyone starts as a maybe' !

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