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Another tell all baseball book is coming our way in June. THis one caught my eye (not because I'm a Red Sox homer) but because of some of the quotes. I'm blown away by this comment in ESPN article....

...."Boyd said he believes that "bigotry," and not his drug use, was to blame for his career not lasting more than 10 seasons".

The guys admits to using cocaine for pretty much most of his career, but it isn't the reason he didn't last 10 years in MLB. In a word....Unbelieveable.

"I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  I'm a member of the Cocktail Party." - Anonymous

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Originally posted by AntzDad:
I remember a game in Cleveland getting fogged out. He was disappointed and wondered 'why they built a stadium next to the ocean'.
John Kruk looked out the window of his ocean in Chicago and asked, "What ocean is that?"

In Pittsburgh he told his teammates if they see any scary looking people from WV missing teeth it's probably his relatives he provided tickets.
This stuff might have been somewhat interesting in the 70's or early 80's but truthfully who wants to hear about this type of **** now?

Sorry three bagger, that would be me. The stranger and more absurd the stories, the more I want to read them. Oil Can was a grease fire when he was a player. I can't wait to see what he remembers about his playing time as well as his teammates.
Originally posted by fenwaysouth:
This stuff might have been somewhat interesting in the 70's or early 80's but truthfully who wants to hear about this type of **** now?

Sorry three bagger, that would be me. The stranger and more absurd the stories, the more I want to read them. Oil Can was a grease fire when he was a player. I can't wait to see what he remembers about his playing time as well as his teammates.
Remembers? Or makes up. The guy is broke. He's trying to make money selling a book. On the Boston talkies the initial response he's writing a book is underwhelming.
Last edited by RJM

I'm not proud that I want to read the book but I will somehow. If I can wrangle through Joe Torre's book (The Yankee Years) I know I can make it through this one. Typically, I get library books or download them to my wife tablet anyway, so I will not being payng anything ridiculous to hear what Oil Can has on his mind. I'm not expecting Tolstoy.

By the way, the Boston media is ridiculous (as is most media) especially the talkies and WEEI. I listen once a week over the Internet, and every week there is some crisis and someone has to be talked off the ledge. THose guys are about ratings and hype, and after 40+ years of it I've become immune. I keep my WEEI subscription for Red Sox radio games (when I'm travelling) and the fine voice of Joe Castiglione. Joe is the absolute best!

My expectations for the book are not high, but if I can read it inexpensively I will.

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