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Originally posted by Rays Fan:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Originally posted by Rays Fan:
What about this one jja?

Connor are you aware that I can find some 15-20 references that were once linked to these videos of Bonds with Richard explaining how they are the perfect PCR swing?

I'd love to see them...

Do you dispute it? Be careful because anyone that knows anything at all will easily submit, if they tell the truth, that these various videos of Bonds, Pujos etc. were used to badger people for a couple of years as to their merits of PCR while at the same time claiming that the hands were not involved at all. Should you not believe that, I'm sure other will weight in.
Last edited by CoachB25
OK, so this has gone far enough. As per "camps," I think we can all point to some unscrouplous activites in more than one "camp."

Per a conversation with Julie, we've decided to delete several messages. They would include post by both Tom and JJA. We've decided to bring the thread up to this point where the topic started to transition from one of a constructive nature to attacks. I'm going to open this thread again with the hopes that it will continue in a constructive manner. Wrstdude, it is possible that one of your post might have been sandwiched in between those posts I deleted. If so, I apologize and any deletion was not intentional.

Tom has accused me of "drinking the koolaid." I would hope that many notice that I've tried hard to avoid taking sides in these arguments and have, more than once, noted that I've left my opinions out since the phrases etc. that I'd use to describe the swing would only lead to arguments and the hijacking of threads. Unfortunately, Tom doesn't appreciate that but that's fine. He's entitled to his opinion as long as it doesn't turn to attacks on this board. There is a board that deals with all of the negative attacks on me. Go there and have a field day. LOL!
Last edited by CoachB25
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Originally posted by Rays Fan:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Originally posted by Rays Fan:
What about this one jja?

Connor are you aware that I can find some 15-20 references that were once linked to these videos of Bonds with Richard explaining how they are the perfect PCR swing?

I'd love to see them...

Do you dispute it? Be careful because anyone that knows anything at all will easily submit, if they tell the truth, that these various videos of Bonds, Pujos etc. were used to badger people for a couple of years as to their merits of PCR while at the same time claiming that the hands were not involved at all. Should you not believe that, I'm sure other will weight in.

As I said before, I can't wait to see it...

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