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Originally posted by Dad04:
A cap is a cap, something new. Won't they still red-shirt outside the roster cap?

Good point. Some schools do not include redshirt players on their roster, some do, I think. Is 35 the TOTAL amount, will try to find out that point.

I forgot they imposed a cap.

After a discussion with someone, here is where the problem lies. The 11.7 compliance and cap is not required until spring. That means in the fall, a coach can invite whoever he wants to come, and let whoever he wants go by December. There were not penalties. Essentially in the fall (I have said this many times) a school can have up to 40+ players on scholarship, decide who he wants and doesn't want and make adjustments come spring.
This affects transfers, those now needing a place to play need to transfer. One of the reasons tranfer rates became so high, huge rosters, fall and spring.
In order to eliminate the transfer rate, they imposed the one year sit out rule thinking that this would eliminate fall stock piling. Some coaches beleive that fall stock piling is a coach's lazy way out of recruiting.
But in doing so,I beleive they did NOT adjust the fall scholarship amount (11.7 by fall). This will NOT stop fall stock piling. Those that come and don't make the team cannot transfer (or they have to sit) or will get a redshirt whether they like it or not. Some feel the whole process was not well thought out and I have to agree, if the above is my understanding. I may be somewhat confused on some points.
If it was done to stop fall stockpiling, then make adjustments for the fall. Allow schools to maintain how they want to spend their money, but give them stricter parameters by fall.

Who will be hurt the most, I am not sure. If your son gets drafted sophmore or junior year he most likely will have to go and not have a decision to stay. HS players committed still looking to get drafted will have to make earlier decisions so the coach can prepare. Players that get hurt. Players that sign later in the year.

The solution given by Coach Leggett was simple and now I understand, just set your 11.7 for the FALL, not asking for more scholarships, but just a solution to stop fall stock piling, which affects transfer rates, which affects graduation rates. The player that steps foot on campus is there because he was diligently recruited and a committment was made to him that he would be part of the team, he just has to earn his spot.
Does everyone get that?

NCAA has already received lots of inquiries from concerned parents, coaches. Maybe with all of this, come explaanation time, there might be some modification.
Last edited by TPM
Good points TPM...

so....Since there are no mid season transfers...effectively a fall enrollment costs a player a year...

If he doesn't make the spring roster he gives up a year....

If he transfers, having gone out or not, he is still inelgible until the next year...can't begin the year at one school and play baseball at another later regardless of any baseball activities?

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
Not sure what you are asking.
I don't know much about the transfer I am sure it will be clarified.
A freshman with an NLI cannot be released by the coach the first year just because he wants to, he has to live up to his agreement for a year, and so does the player, which is why the sit out one year to another D1 school bothers me. If you give out 4 year scholarships and either decides to break that committment, then penalize the coach or the player.

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