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8 years of Taco Bell and McDonalds and Waffle House.
8 Years of looking for a washing machine in the middle of nowhere.

8 Years of of long rides home after a bad tournament.
and 8 Years of non-stop talking after a good one.

8 Years of burning a hole in your wallet - or overheating the American Express card.

8 Years of trying to remember where you are going with your son - or where your wife is going with your son.

8 Years of not remembering where you were the day before.

8 Years of nice hotels - and some not so nice motels.

8 Years of following good directions to the field.
And 8 Years of following bad directions to the field.

8 Years of injuries -thank God - most minor.

8 Years of hearing how your sons are good.
And 8 Years of hearing how your sons suck.

8 Years of some great coaches.
and 8 Years of some very bad ones.

8 Years of PG and College Select and a few other great events and baseball people.

And 8 Years of some real ****** ones too.

8 Years of good advice from real players and real people.

And 8 Years of reading nonsense hype and moronic cyber-guru advice.

When this last 18 and under Fall circuit finishes up with the BEST Event in the USA (PG in Jupiter) - I really think I am going to miss it all.

I may be wrong - but I'm betting I am going to miss the whole ride.
You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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8 years of developing a relationship with your boy (both Moms & Dads) Good games , bad games , good trips bad trips, good facilities, bad facilities, good umps , bad umps etc. etc..

I know so many parents that think were crazy with all we do with our kids and baseball.

But you know what is really crazy! When I tell my boys you are staying home Friday night, cuz dads feels like cooking a steak dinner and rent a movie on TV and hang out. Somehow they are ok with it.

Now thats crazy! MY wife and I love it, and all those years of being together through the good and bad, a bond has developed , can NEVER be taken away.

I want to lift a glass of cold beer/wine to the parents her who have made their huge sacifrices
to make it all happen. It's not easy, it is the path of most resistence.

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