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If younger than a junior the only thing you should get back is a standard invite to a camp. They can't write you personally until Sept. of Junior year. They can call July 1 of senior year.

Others can offer more expert opinions, but I wouldn't do the on-line form until older and have varsity experience and stats. I'd just send an e-mail or letter stating who you are and that you have an interest in their baseball program and would they please send you any camp information.
This is only my son's personal experience, but he found the online forms to be of little value. In most cases, he never heard back from them except to get invites to their camps. He ended up signing with a D-1 program, but the schools that pursued him were not in most cases ones he filled out the on-line information for (even D-2 and D-3).

My advice would be to fill them out - you never know. But make sure you have other strategies.
Another "just my son's experience" story - My son filled one out after his junior high school/summer seasons (about August/September timeframe). It was a small NAIA school. He supplied personal information, stats, and a link to a web page with videos and a scout evaluation. He had picked this school based on academics, school environment, and likelihood that the coach would be interested in his level of skills. Based on this, the coach began corresponding with him. This led to a school visit, including a workout, and eventually a scholarship offer, which he accepted. I don't think it always works out this easily, but our experience is that some coaches, at least, do read and respond to them.
It really depends what size school you are filling it out for. Bigger D-1 schools aren't going to look at them for the simple fact they don't need to. They have their list of kid they're going after who have been referred to by scouts, etc. Smaller schools most likely will look at them because it is harder to find the players that aren't "well-known" by scouts.

This is same with videos that are sent in to colleges. I would fill out the forms for non-D-1 schools, but for the D-1's, you will most likely need to visit their camps or be seen by them in person.
Originally posted by 5 o'clock hitter:
thanks for the feedback, he's a soph, after a strong varsity season getting attention, a lot of camp info

just looking for best way to contact schools

That's great. I would recommend if there is a school he really wants to go to in particular, to go to that school's camp. Get him in that school's mind.

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