Last year I remember seeing my son play his last high school game and I cried but knew he reached his dream of playing college ball. Yesterday my son finished his first year in college. A great day for all...only three (or 4) more to go. I asked him when he was coming home and he said he didn't know.
Today at school all of my friends sons and daughters came home froom school and up to see their moms. I sat back and wanted to be part of it but knew I could'nt, my son was still playing baseball. This sunday the traveling team goes to Montana to play. If they win 2 they take the conference and go to regionals. Read an article the other day and they listed my sons team to possibly make through to the World Series. So I sit and talk with all the kids coming home.
After a while one of the moms asked me if I was sad and I truthfully could answer no. She looked at me funny and I smiled and thought, well I better get ready for vacation. Thanks to my boys I get to watch the best game in the world at some of the best fields in the world. Son just called me and asked me if I was excited they were still playing. When I said yes he said " Mom when we lost the World Championship game at the Little League World Series I told you I would get you back to another World Series". Signing off the phone I told him "Don't hurry home" I could hear him laughing as he hung up the phone. I love this game.
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