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Waterloo is supposed to open up next Friday at Wesclin. I'll tell you what-- I was out on the field for a couple hours this afternoon. Today was the first time they had been on the field this spring and they could have easily played today. In the 40's and the field was surprisingly dry considering they were out of school one day last week due to snow and ice.
We've had our first game wiped out (3/15). However, hitters will now LOVE Wolters Field in Highland Park. What was one of the best fields will now be little more than an oversized little league park.
The LACrosse team needs a field. Despite there being plenty of land behind the football and baseball fields they are moving the fences in! It used to be 335 down left field, 385 to center and 315 down right field. It will now be just 305 down left field, 350 to center, and 305 down right field.
itsrosy - Thanks. As you know from Jordan's time, the '08's had offense power, the '09's were known for pitching and defense. It sure is ironic that just when these two classes are combined, HP messes with the field! Our parents meeting is this Saturday, along with the AD. We'll be voicing our displeasure, not that it will get us anywhere! There is plenty of space behind the football field to get a Lacrosse field, at least in our opinion.
I guess home runs won't have as much meaning at Wolters Field starting this year.
I think your parents meeting is a few weeks too late. I drove by Wolter's today and the fence is down, workmen are buzzing around and I felt pretty darn sad. I remember when my son hit 4 hr's as a freshman at tiny Wheeling HS freshman field. This won't be quite as bad, but embarrasing nonetheless.

IMO, it's not just the home runs, but these dimensions will change the whole game. Tell the AD that an improving program, with a terrific field and new scoreboard as a backdrop will now be one not to be taken seriously and dismissed as small-time. Now, go out and win conference!
Last edited by itsrosy
itrosy, I agree and we realize that both teams play on the same field. However, to hear our AD's comments, I don't think she has a clue. Her remarks were "we had perhaps the longest left field line in the nation and a very big park"; "We're now in line with most high schools." What a joke!
With that wonderful cold wind blowing in off the lake it will still be harder to hit a home run at Wolter's Field than most places. But consider that with it being now 305 down both lines and only 350 to centerfield (down 35 feet at both left and center, 10 feet less than the existing right field line) there will be fewer doubles and line drive singles. The outfielders will be 10 to 30 feet closer in, whcih will cut down on some line drive hits.
il2008, I think it falls under a different category but I cannot think of the name at the moment. I believe it's under the IHSA as a growing sport. O'fallon started it this year and they play St. Louis schools.

As for baseball, it sounds like there might not be baseball this weekend. Down here in Cape Girardeau we've gotten a ton of rain. In Waterloo said they've gotten a bunch too. Saturday is probably in limbo already.
For Waterloo, it will all depend on when it stops raining. The school district has this entire week off and Coach Vogel and Coach Fulte will be out there all day working on the field once they are able to get on it to get it dry and ready to play Saturday. They're supposed to play on the road Friday afternoon and then play two Saturday at home. If there's any chance of playing Saturday, I'll spend time Friday and/or Saturday on the field working too.

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