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I think that there are going to be a lot of teams hovering around the .500 mark this season mostly because the talent for many teams is not as deep from past years for many of the traditional schools. There should be some separation by teams like Londonderry, Goffstown, and Trinity who seem on paper to have tons of talent but we will wait and see how everything pans out this year.
I attended the Central v. Dover matchup at Gill Stadium this past Friday, Cole Warren was solid but to be honest not dominate, have to keep in mind that it was only the second game of the year for Central and Warren was not in midseason form. The pitcher from Dover, I am not sure on his name if anyone has it I would really like to know, pitched a great game. I was really impressed with him through out the game.
i believe that Garrett Cole is 2-0 for Trinity, and could possibly pitch vs PA on wednesday depending on who threw for Trinity on Monday. As for Nick Poore, if he can shut down what people say is a very good lineup in Londonderry then he doesn't seem to be that overrated especially for a 15yr old.

The season is young but it would seem that some teams are already heading towards an uphill battle after losing some very close games early in the season. Are there any early surprises this year in Class L so far?
One surprise to me is the 0-3 start for Central, it is still early and I stand by my earlier comments that they will host a first round play off game. What really surprises me is that they were beat in the season openner by Tom Hudon who went 6 innings or three hit shut out ball. What is really surprising to me is that Hudon is only 14 years old, or at least would be considered league age 14 in Babe Ruth or AAU.
I have had the pleasure of coaching Nick Poore, and he is anything but overrated. Not only is he dominate on the mound but he is a great kid that wants to learn the game. He is now and future of pitching in Class L baseball. As for Garrett Cole he has established himself as one of the dominate pitchers in New Hampshire High School baseball between him and Dylan Clark Trinity is going to be close to impossible to stop come early June.
As for surprises in Class L I have been surprised by Central's slow start as well as Pinkerton. Chris DeBonis being hurt could spell the end of the year for Pinkerton. I would still keep my eyes open for Londonderry, with Jake Finnegan, Chris Crutcher and a very good offense they are going to be hard to beat once the weather warms up.

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