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I have posted here before and have been given good advice, so I thought I would ask again. Update on son, he is entering his freshman year. While he plays 17's on ranked summer team he has yet to play in a high school game. Currently, 6'4 165 lbs. Velo is up to 83, nice curve, change-up is good, changes speeds....... Anyway, a couple of pro scouts have taken notice and he has thrown a bullpen for one of them. We are getting letters and emails about going to PG and Showball events. Are these worth going to at this age? Should we hold off for a couple of years? He wants to go to see where he stacks up like any kid would.
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I can't help but believe that if your son began a rigorous weight training program (specific to pitchers) and added some weight (at least 10 pounds of muscle mass) he would be throwing harder.

83 is nice for HS, but you are not going to light up radar guns at a showcase until you are throwing between 86-90+. I would keep my son out of that environment until his numbers are stronger.

He is in an excellent position as young as he is, no need to rush the showcase stuff. Work on building strength, improving mechanics and gaining velocity.

In a year if he applies himself he will probably be in the number range that I mention.

The Underclass Event that PG puts on would be the event to prepare for, but I would want to cruise at 85 first.

He is still young and does not need that exposure yet, especially since he will be playing on a quality Summer Team.
Keep in mind that the young man is just a frosh and throwing 83--- college and pro scouts will take note of than in bold print

He is also 6ft 4 inches with a lot of time to fill out as he matures physically

His his attributes it cannot hurt fpor him to showcase especially if HE wants to see where he sits in terms of the talent level
I agree with you on the weight training and he started a program this Aug. when school started. While he seems to be getting stronger, he still looks like he has not started to fill out yet.....Most coaches agree that he could grow another 2 inches. Size 15 shoe. The scouts mentioned some weird stuff, they mentioned shoe size, length of his fingers, shoulders, neck ....lower leg length ?
I know he will not be throwing as hard as the upper classman, but again I'm not saying 83 when it's really's really consistently 83.....
I think we are leaning towards going, and to use the experience as a tool for getting better. Taking the advise, watching the older ones, and we still have 4 years of high school to find a school.....I would think in 3 years he would be in the low 90's and yes he is the one pushing it, I would rather not spend the dough when he is already getting some attention for free. But I don't want him to miss out on an opportunity.
One of the Oldtimers suggested that we go watch a showcase tournament game, and it was really helpful. My son took it all in. He was comparing himself to others in his position, and watching the scouts to see how they were observing the players.

My son also attended a clinic where he was evaluated. He was a young attendee, which was noted on his evaluation; however, they didn't grade him against a lesser standard because he was younger.

As for the weight training, my son has participated in a supervised program with a trainer experienced with teen athletes, and has acheived good results. He put on 10 + pounds over the summer, all muscle. It shows on the field.

Good luck, sounds like you are off to a great start.

PS. Emphasize GRADES if he wants to play in college. My son has good grades, but I'm starting to see the challenges the kids face who don't wake up to the importance of grades until late in the game.

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