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Had my first encounter yesterday with the opposition's parents standing behind home plate talking directly to my players while they were at bat. After every pitch it was something like "Oh, you can't touch that pitch." Or "That pitch was here on Monday and you're swinging on Tuesday". Funny enough it only started in the 7th when we were down by 2 with our 7-8-9 up and no talk when we were up 9-0 in the first game of the DH.

After the last out I walked directly to the parent and asked him nicely to not talk to my kids while they are batting. He told me that my bench shouldn't be making so much noise when we are on offense. I then told him the kids are kids and that he was an adult and to please act like one. His response is one of my favorite shifting responsibility statements... "Haha, I'm not an adult!" This was from a man in his late 50s. I then told him that I found it funny that he wasn't talking when his kid's team was getting it handed to them and to grow up and not to taunt kids. I then walked away. He continued to chirp at me as I went to the outfield to speak with my team.

The beautiful thing about the whole situation is that they are our opponent in the first round of district play in the state tournament and they got over seeded a lot. They are 5-12 as a 3 seed. We are 6-14 as a 6 seed with a 15 win team as the 5 seed. It will make for an interesting district tournament.
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Never speak to opposing fans. Let game admin deal with it if bad enough. If its not obvious to umpires then let them know. They will notify home team AD and it will be addressed. By talking to them you're pouring gas on a fire. It will only make them talk more and probably bring others in. Plus if you acknowledge it in any way it now becomes a ready made excuse for your guys for playing bad/ losing. I think you waiting to until end of game to talk with players was good because they do need to hear its wrong but never let them see you frustrated by it. They are kids and lack maturity so they will get rattled by it. But don't make it worse by showing your frustration.


You can never win an argument with stupidity - they will crush you with experience (or whatever that saying is). Based on what you put it was harmless stuff and slightly funny. If its vulgar or anything that crosses the line then let game admin handle it.


Tuesday we had home soccer match and at halftime I had to eject a fan from other team for coming out of stands to yell at refs. Thankfully it went well but I did have to threaten calling deputy sheriff. I honestly have no idea what he said but ref told me to eject him so I ejected him. While not exactly your situation it hopefully shows that you need to rely on game admin.

Coach Sampson - I hope you'll take the above advice to heart in the future.  You seem like too good and conscientious a coach to get yourself in potential trouble talking to the peanut gallery. And y ou're playing right into their hands by calling them out. Confronting these guys probably made their night... "Look how we got into their coach's head!".  Don't empower the peanut gallery by responding to them. Don't acknowledge them in any way.  Just coach your players through it... Talk to them as a group about it and get them prepared individually while they're in the hole... "You know you're going to hear it from these clowns when you're up there, and you know how to shut them up: Square up a base hit right here." Make some chicken salad out of these chicken$***s!

+1 on everything coach2709 said. 

There will often be opposing players, fans, coaches, even their own players, fans and coaches who will say things during the course of the game that will have the potential of getting in your kids' heads and causing inferior performance.  Obviously, some is intentional and some not.  One of the key jobs of a coach is to teach them to focus and tune everything else out.  And the coach needs, first and foremost, to set by example. 


Coach interaction with problem opposing players and fans can only turn out bad.  Your passion is awesome but you need to channel it in these circumstances - calmly approach the ump and let him deal with it. 





In my daughter's Regional today, the umpire stopped the game and had fans, including parents, warned and moved.  This is the NCAA crew and they stopped it in the first inning.  As you may or may not know, before every one of these games, the fans are warned that sportsmanship comes first and that fans will be removed should they act in an unsportsmanlike manner.  BTW, the umpire turned this over to the administration after a conversation and pointing out where the concern was. It was dealt with quickly and the announcement about sportsmanship was repeated. 

Originally Posted by CoachB25:

In my daughter's Regional today, the umpire stopped the game and had fans, including parents, warned and moved.  This is the NCAA crew and they stopped it in the first inning.  As you may or may not know, before every one of these games, the fans are warned that sportsmanship comes first and that fans will be removed should they act in an unsportsmanlike manner.  BTW, the umpire turned this over to the administration after a conversation and pointing out where the concern was. It was dealt with quickly and the announcement about sportsmanship was repeated. 

This is the proper method of handling any activity outside the confines of the field.....Nothing good can happen for Coaches,Players and Umpires in confrontations outside the fence......

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