If a player has missed the 1st half of the season due to a minor injury and hasn't pitched an inning yet, and only has at best 5 more starts (+2 more if they go to playoffs), should he ask for a medical redshirt from his coach? Let me add that the coach most likely has big plans for him to help out the remainder of the season/playoff's. He is now 100% healthy by the way.
If he did ask and coach granted it, is he obligated to go back to that school next year? He signed a NLI with the school he is at now but if Im correct, it's only for a year...??
To make this even more twisted, he is a JUCO Sophomore who will graduate this spring with 60+ hours. How will this play into the scenario? He'd like to attend a JUCO 1 more year...
Just trying to get all options out on the table to see what exists, and the various hoops that will need to be jumped through going one way or another.
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