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you are an idiot if you think that college and pro scouts do not talk to HS coaches and that kids are "not" seen during HS season... maybe your son was not worth a coach talking to....

Diablo con Huevos-You must be a public school educator with an axe to grind because you did not read my post correctly...

During my older sons recruiting no coach ever spoke to our HS coach, ever. They simply wanted to hear from his family and a "connected" summer coach as KD eluded to.

As you see in the was our experience that they did not contact our coach. Our coach told us that, we are good friends with him, he now coaches my younger son. Instead of looking for confrontation maybe read closer. A simple apology will do.

Also funneldrill sounds like a great coach.
amongst other things.. i was speaking about rfc talking about playing in a school where kids will not get noticed (h.s. teams) - that is a joke... not including everything else he was whining about... if you are good, scouts will find you... no matter your town or who you play for....

It is obvious he is a dad with a sub-par playing son....

Dadto7- you are still an idiot... you have no idea about what is really going on...
Last edited by Diablo con Huevos
I would put RFC son up against anybody, one of the very best kids out there. Great kid and great parents and why some idiot is attacking him is beyond me. This was just some simple thread started up to get some valuable info, but some moron decided to make it a personal attack on a team and kids. If you have nothing positive to contribute just SHUT UP!!
Sorry for War and Peace, but here goes...

Interesting how I make no remarks about any team, yet some who hide in the bushes decide to crack on me and my team. I have made it clear who I am, and what team I coach, yet those who choose to make negative comments simply hide in the weeds like they are on a *** chat line where nobody knows who they are.

I simply started this string, with the hope of getting some quality information, about how to get a group of young men seen and noticed by college coaches. We do not have guys who can afford the high cost, so we operate on a shoe-string budget. Much of the response has been good, thank you to those who offered good advise...but the last few strings seem to be "player/team" bashing, so in the immortal words of Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction, "might I retort".

for the last few strings, in order:

Diablo, what I know for sure is that you need to go back to grammar class or figure out how to use spell-check. Please share with us who your stud son is, so we can ALL go watch him play D1 in the coming years...or is he simply going straight to the bigs.

Rock, thanks for the comments.

txhsbaseballfan9, I will agree with you on 'toning it down', and if you have played us this year, you see how important I think that is. A swagger is key, talking sh*@! is another.

As far as Florida goes, were you there? If you are looking for us to be humbled, share with us who you are and what team you play for, and if you have any pull with them (which is doubtful), and call me for a game (not a scrimmage). Loser eats crow.

As far as the 16U MMWS State, as I am new to this age, I was given bad information, and told we had to choose 15's or 16's, not both...chose 15's...again, bad info and schedule now does not permit that.

Burkburnett...9 guys for most of the tournament, 1 sick and 3 in the state tournament run...1 bad game and simply got beaten by a good Raptors team.

Remember the Alamo? Sliders tournament...most runs scored, largest run differential, run-ruled the team Mustangs Sharp squeeked by against (Mustangs overlooked these guys, I understand...not a knock on you guys)...and last I checked, eneded up ahead of Team Kelley (again, not a knock on them, great team). Not a helmet thrown, not a word said (but got blasted by a couple parent groups), just some good baseball. Not bragging on our team, but illustrating we are not a fly-by-night, willing to go anywhere, anytime, against any team out there.

Good luck.
DCH and others -- I have been on vacation and asleep at the wheel it seems. But we've been here / done this regarding personal attacks. I thought I could leave the message board in the hands of adults (silly me). Ok, most of you are more adult than me. Razz

From what I can tell without reviewing each post, this seems like a legitimate discussion on the differences between organizational teams and independent teams. Despite it being a somewhat repetitive subject, good points have been mentioned, including the overall idea of "exposure".

People, please pull back on the personal attacks or you'll be edited -- and no one likes that deal.

Last edited by Panther Dad
Thanks Panther Dad.

I am new to the older age level, and in the dark about recruiting, exposure, etc. I had hoped to be able to rely on what I THOUGHT was the braintrust of baseball in our part of the world, and for the most part, have seen some good thoughts/points.

I have no interest taking the bashing I have, nor will I respond with anything toward a player. However, when my son is brought into it, this tells me I may be in the wrong place to learn from others who have been in my shoes when their kids were younger.
Thanks for the comments. So we are clear, I am not looking for any hugging, or anyone to even feel sorry for a team who is not "connected". I am not shy about asking questions, and admitting when we have not done well or made some mistake.

Who knows what the future holds, and I will take the comments to heart, about getting connected with a solid coach, if not an organization.

I made a commitment to our players, to do my best to get them seen, which is why I have leaned on this forum for assistance, again thanks for that.

For now, if any of you have any pull for the "exclusive" events, take a chance on including us, and you will not be disappointed.

can you name me one "exclusive" event that goes on in north Texas during the summer? the only tournament that would be hardest to go to would be Mustang Classic (because there is a waiting list)... and you would have had to prove yourself worthy (over a period of at least a few years)... other than that, I can't think of one event... can you?

and i have no idea who you are or who your team is, and i don't have a son playing baseball... daddyball is on some other usssa, caba, triple crown, super series, aau thread...
Originally posted by dadto7:
Whether some of you want to admit it or not, HS baseball is still the "lifeline" of college baseball, whether you like your HS coach or not. If you don't like your HS coach, then move.

Funneldreill must be a HS coach. With that philosophy, probably a small school. During my older sons recruiting no coach ever spoke to our HS coach, ever. They simply wanted to hear from his family and a "connected" summer coach as KD eluded to.

I do coach at a 5A school. I used to be a scout(Cleveland Indians), played in college (even invited as a free agent to spring training by a couple of organizations) and have been offered a few college positions.

I am contacted by college coaches from around the country about players in this area (not just my own) due to the numerous clinics I attend and camps I have instructed around the nation.

Now that I am done with my resume, I agree, not alot of HS coaches get their players the exposure that they should. Many of them feel it is not their job. Others just don't have the necessary "contacts" (too busy going to those football clinics I guess). I think that is a shame and can not defend that position. I have always been proactive in regards to promoting my players and trying to get them to the level that they can best compete at. Not everyone is a high level Division 1 prospect ( I sure wasn't out of HS). Some are Mid-Major D 1 prospects, some are D 2, D 3, or JUCO.

I think if you are serious about playing college baseball, you should get in with the best possible "organization"/team to play with during the summer and fall. That way, if you are not on a strong HS team, or, your HS coach does not promote his own kids, then you are doing all that you can do to get yourself (your kid) the most exposure possible.

Most college websites have on-line questionaires (sp.?) so at the very least, you should go to the schools that interest you and fill those out for starters. Be honest, don't embellish stats or how hard you throw, or how fast you run. If you do, you are setting yourself up for failure. You have to self promote.

Anyway, if I can help in any way about the recruiting process let me know. Between the 10+ years as a head coach, the 40+ kids to get scholarships/play in college, the 4 kids to have gotten drafted, not counting the kids on my collegiate summer team that have signed professional contracts and D 1 scholarships (8 on this year's team alone, plus we lost one to the draft)...I think I can at least steer you in the right direction.

Have a great day!
Last edited by funneldrill

All the different perspectives is what makes this board great. I am not always right, on this board, or on the field. When I think I know it all, that is the day I get out of baseball. Everytime I step on the field, or go to a clinic, or go spend a few days with a college coaching staff, I learn something. Even a causal conversation with another coach often turns into a mini-clinic.

Baseball is a talking sport, that is why it is the best sport! I could talk hours to everyone about hitting, pitching, fielding, recruiting, etc. Anyway, baseball is the greatest game dispite what my coaching colleagues over at the football fieldhouse think. Wait, saying they think is giving them way too much credit

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