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Any advice to help a young kid(8) who is way out in front of almost everything. Last game, six straight pitches hit hard foul to left field. Rt handed batter. He has a good swing, but can't seem to get the timing thing down. Faster pitching has helped a little, but too fast and I think he has trouble seeing the ball well if that makes sense. Plus I'm not that comfortable pitching that fast to him and can't do so consistently.

Move him up in the box?


Original Post
Do not worry about moving around in the box unless it's because the pitchers just can't get it to the plate.

Without seeing a clip, here's a guess. Almost all young kids naturally start their load and get their front foot down too late. (Often starting their swing as the foot is going down)

If anyone doesn't realize this, then they should watch the kids from the side and they will notice that many only load on the pitches they swing at and not load the same on every pitch as they should.

Unless kids are trained, they will reach out to hit the ball. They need to be trained to load each pitch and then let the ball get deeper in the zone. They need proper instruction and lots of tee work and heavy hitting bag work.

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