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I think I saw this answer before but can't find it.

HS game, the batter has his back foot actually behing the plate. Someone at the game said it is legal as long as part of his foot is touching the batters box line. Is that true.

Second, what is the penalty for being out of the box. Don't know where i heard this but I thought if the batter makes contact with the ball while out of the box he is out - could be true or memory is going with my eyesight and hearing.
To our military men, women and families - You are all awesome - that flag is yours and I thank you for the opportunity for giving me the honor of removing my cap prior to every baseball game I see.
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Before the pitch the batter must be completely with-in the confines of the box. This means inside the lines or touching the line and/or part of the inside of the box. If any part is outside the box the umpire needs to stop and make him get back in.
If he starts there and then steps out it is a matter of timing. If he steps out, contacts the ball but his foot is in the air he is fine. If his foot is on the ground completely outside the box(not touching a line) when he makes contact then the ball is dead, the batter is out and all runners return. In HS if any portion of his foot touches the plate then he is also out.
Mr Taylor or others, if the batter sets up outside of the box, lets say one half of foot is outside of the box, and the ump doesnt stop play....normally is it the same as if he set up properly. The out call would not apply but is it worth talking to the ump about.

My son is a catcher and just couldn't believe how this one guy set up and didnt quite know what to do....any advice??? .... call time and point it out or what. Litterally, 3/4ths of the guys foot was behind the plate (open stance) facing a pitcher who lives on the outside without much heat.
Yes, have your son it to the ump's attention. He is gaining an advantage not allowed by the rule. If the ump isn't seeing it then he needs to be aware of it. We had a guy in opur adult league that would set as close as possible but still be in. On his swing he would step behind the plate to pull it more. He quit doing it when he hit a three run HR that didn't count because he was out.
for an out (or the umpire to delay play) he must have a foot on the ground completely outside of the box (not touching any of the line), if his foot is touching one particle of the chalk line, then he is legal.

This is true when the batter is attempting to hit a pitch. However, when the batter assumes his stance awaiting the pitch his feet must be completely within the box; i.e. no part of his foot may be outside the lines of the box.
Originally posted by LonBlue67:
pilsner is right Smile

the umpire should direct the batter to reposition his foot prior to the pitch.

I stand corrected. 7.1.1 specifically states "the batter shall take his position within a batter's box" [emphasis mine]. I don't believe I've ever seen this rule violated while the box lines were still visible and up until today I would have erroneously allowed it. thanks guys!
it never hurts for the catcher to bend an umpire's ear. when the batter's box is no longer visible, just say."ump,is he in the batter's box? ", and wait for a reply.or ump where did that pitch cross the plate? it is possible for umpires to miss things. if there is an infield fly situation, there is nothing wrong with the catcher standing in front of home plate informing the fielders(and maybe an umpire) that the situation exists.
I don't mind missing things so much as i mind when other people notice I missed them!

How true.....but here is my lastest pet peeve.....this summer, for some reason, I have had a rash of one man games.....partner car issues, assignor foul up....what ever each team must agree in advance to one man umpire or reschedule.....

One man game (Colt League) R3 no ball right down the line to left field....runner tagging.....great throw to the plate....close play, runner is problems right?......

Nope....Defensive coach wants to appeal the runner leaving early........ok, lets man ball...what are my potential responsibilities...

Catch/No Catch
Tag up
Play at the plate....

Now a review of my resources.....

One set of eyes.....

I came up the line and tried to get some angle..but as it was right on the line, I ended up somewhat straightlined, but made the catch my first priority...then glanced for a tag up and retreated to the plate to make the call at

And defensive coach wants me to split that hair.....and of course was disapointed that he didnt get the out call.....
Last edited by piaa_ump

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