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So tomorrow it's suppose to be blustery, wind chill upwards to 20mph, and 41 degrees. So it's gonna feel like it's in the 20's! AND it's a DH!

I was looking on Home Depot and Lowe's website with the intention of going by before the game to pick up one of those portable "tabletop" propane heaters. But after reading some of the reviews on them, 90% of them were very negative, i.e. pilot light wouldn't stay lit, thermo-couple was bad, wind disperses the heat (no brainer there!), etc.

Does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions on outdoor heaters that actually are user-friendly on cold game days?



"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
So tomorrow it's suppose to be blustery, wind chill upwards to 20mph, and 41 degrees. So it's gonna feel like it's in the 20's! AND it's a DH!

I was looking on Home Depot and Lowe's website with the intention of going by before the game to pick up one of those portable "tabletop" propane heaters. But after reading some of the reviews on them, 90% of them were very negative, i.e. pilot light wouldn't stay lit, thermo-couple was bad, wind disperses the heat (no brainer there!), etc.

Does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions on outdoor heaters that actually are user-friendly on cold game days?



Mr Heater on Amazon, Cant beat these heaters for b all games
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
So tomorrow it's suppose to be blustery, wind chill upwards to 20mph, and 41 degrees. So it's gonna feel like it's in the 20's! AND it's a DH!

I was looking on Home Depot and Lowe's website with the intention of going by before the game to pick up one of those portable "tabletop" propane heaters. But after reading some of the reviews on them, 90% of them were very negative, i.e. pilot light wouldn't stay lit, thermo-couple was bad, wind disperses the heat (no brainer there!), etc.

Does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions on outdoor heaters that actually are user-friendly on cold game days?



A bit off-track, but...

Keep the bats away from whatever heater you get. If you have umpires that are on the ball, it's going to be a problem.
Advice from a veteran:

Get one of the small propane heaters that use as fuel one of the small green disposable tanks sold everywhere and your favorite sleeping bag. Put the heater on the ground, either under your seat, or if with thy spouse, in front of an empty seat in between the two of you, then spread the sleeping bag over the whole works. It works like a charm and keeps you as snug as a bug in a rug...until you get up to change seats to bring better luck/karma when your son isn't haven't such a great day, or when the team needs you to move to a different spot so the lady luck will bring better fortunes...

p.s. Gander Mountain had everything we needed.
Last edited by hokieone
I used "lava Buns " heated seat cushion, one to sit on and one I put over my feet.

You heat them up in the micro wave and they stayed hot for about 3 hrs.

If your sitting on metal bleachers put a blanket under them because the metal seems to suck the heat out of them.

according to their ad you can now but them in the freezer and use them to keep cool in the summer... I never tried that
Last edited by njbb
Um...HVBaseballDad...being a former Marine use to cold weather training and such, trying to stay warm in cold weather really has nothing to do with being a "sissy" or not. It's just plain human nature to be comfortable in an enjoyable environment.

But thanks for the rally cry for Manhood. Ha

BiggerPapi...laughed at the snuggies!
Boston College has the best cold weather set up. There's a high rise parking garage overlooking the baseball field. People get there early to park their cars facing the field.

I remember watching Georgia Tech play BC in what had to be in the low 20's with the wind chill. The wind was blowing right across the water reservoir. When I told someone about it they asked if the Georgia people were cold. I responded watching baseball in that weather EVERYONE is cold.

My son played high school ball in PA. One day we (parents) were trying to decide which was the coldest game we watched. There were enough games for a lengthy debate. But one year it was at least 60 all season.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Sounds like it might be a day for long sleeves.

Right, Matt?

Three things the Army taught me:

1. Eat when you can.
2. Sleep when you can.
3. Don't be miserable when you don't have to be.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise--it's stupid to be freezing when there are ways to mitigate it. If someone wants to freeze their (insert body part of choice) off, tell them to find a few friends and let me know. We'll do "Survivor--Otkhosk."
Last edited by Matt13
Last year I attended a game when it was in the 30s with really stout winds. Being transplanted from Texas we have been learning about what constitutes "cold" and what is "cool"; also learning the difference between "breezy" and "windy".

It was very interesting watching the kids who grew up in this climate deal with the cold conditions. It wasn't a distraction for them at all.
Originally posted by BaseballmomandCEP:
Love this thread. Last season, I think every varsity HS game was sub 50, many were VERY sub 50. No wonder my boy wants to go south for college.

Our stands are notorious for a verrry cold wind; parents are much colder than the boyz. Bought a long down coat in the post-Christmas sales just for spring baseball!!
My daughter visited a college for softball in the Boston area in February. We lived in PA. Walking back the car she asked, "Dad, what we you thinking when you moved us from southern California?" She played in Florida.
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Originally posted by RJM:
"what were you thinking...?"

My friend grew up in Boston and played football at Maine. The first winter up there, he asked himself the same question. Smile
My son got an inquiry from Maine. He went to the website and got jazzed. They have awesome baseball facilities. Then I got him on Google maps. I told him to search the distance between Philadelphia (what's home to him) and Orono. Then look at their schedule and map out the bus rides. That was the end of his interest. Back when friends played at Maine the bullpen got to sit in running cars.
Last edited by RJM
Bad weather and cold is relative. Wink

Last year, my son's college team had their first outdoor practice 90 minutes before their first game of the season @ UVA due to the worst weather in centuries in upstate NY.

Q: How did that turn out?
A: Not so good.

This year, they have been able to practice outside in upstate NY just about every week since they got back from Xmas break. There are no guarantees for "W's" but at least they will be prepared to play. It is all relative.

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