Originally Posted by smokeminside:
..shortstop goes several steps to his right and backhands a ball on a fairly easy hop. There was no way however that he had time to get in front of the ball. As he plants his foot to throw and starts his transfer he drops the ball and the runner is safe.
I've had people say that ANY backhand play in high school, as long as the player is not screwing around and making the play more difficult than it needed to be, requires more than ordinary effort, and should therefor be scored a hit. Does that seem like a fair assessment of the Ordinary effort "rule?"
No, I wouldn't say ANY backhand play. Many backhand plays, including some SS to the hole, should be made. But if SS goes to the hole deep enough that, had he fielded the ball cleanly, made a clean transfer and an accurate throw, and that runner would have still been safe, then no E. If you determine he would have thrown the runner out if fielded cleanly, then E. Others may get more technical about defining reasonable effort (who's effort, etc.) but this is the short, easy answer.