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Got an email today informing us that Lakepoint is a cooler free facility. Guess they mean for players too. They have "concierge service" where u can reserve your team cooler. ex of prices

25 bottles of water $50 (grocery here sells case of 24 for $3.50)

$2.50 for a granola bar -$3.50 for box of 6 at grocery

chips $2.00 each, hope they don't mean the sm bags we sell for 50cents at school concessions. other items as well.

I'm all for making a profit but a family cannot afford IMO to play many games there and buy their food/drinks.

I guess it's one way to make money to help pay for the complex, but a wk long tourn, out of town,with hotel,  plus gas being close to. $4.00, plus dinners out, it adds up. 

Anyone been to games there yet?  Are players not allowed to bring in own drinks, snacks?



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For the prior 3 years that we have been to the WWBA tournys, it has been "cooler free" for the attendees.  Not sure about the players, so someone else will have to comment on that, but I think I remember that water was provided?


Since most of the venues had been at high schools, many without concessions, we took coolers (or at least a bottle of water) anyway.  For ladies, many coolers look like large bags/purses for everyday use.


Other times, we would keep a small filled cooler in the car and return to it when needed.


I just can't get a handle on players/teams having to pay for their own water.


What is the entry fee for the week this year?



you are getting some bad information.  We do have a problem that we are trying to solve.  We certainly don't agree with charging for water.  And it isn't us selling it or profiting from it. And it isn't $50 for water.


LakePoint has Coca Cola as it's major sponsor.  They do offer coolers full of Powerade for $20 to the teams for hydration.  They don't want any competing brands in the complex.  We are fine with that, but the water situation needs to change.  We have offered to pay ourself if that becomes necessary.


Truth is, we want everyone to complain if they are upset by the water issue. But do keep in mind that this will be a 50 million dollar plus complex when it's all done.  We lease the complex. The main reason for the artificial turf is to be able to play in rainy weather.


All that said, we know something has to be done regarding water and agree with those that are complaining.  But to my knowledge $50 is a large exaggeration. I have no idea what the concession charges for things.  I know if it is too much I would wait until after the game.  Teams are only there for a couple hours on any given day unless they go far in the playoffs.  Also we only have four fields at this time so we are still using East Cobb and other sites.

We are accustomed to "cooler free" rules for spectators. 


But we typically bring our own to the dugouts.  In fact, many of the venues do not supply water, and of course it is usually very, very hot down there in July, so we bring plenty.


Please advise if this is no longer going to be permitted.  I hear you saying the issue is not tourney-wide, just at LakePointe, but still, that would be ... a disappointment.


If it makes them feel better about their contract with Coca-Cola, we don't buy from a competitor -- unless they consider the hotel ice machine and the bathtub spicket to be their competitor!

Also, keep in mind that you're not playing 7 games at Lakepoint.  I'm guessing most teams will be lucky to get 2 there....the rest will be spread all around the area...just like in the past.  You can't run a 100-team tourney on 4 fields.  I'm fairly sure that if your son throws a couple powerades in his bag he'll probably be ok....I'm guessing they don't have "dugout police" running around checking to see if the players bought their drinks inside the complex.  Sure, maybe you can't take your own cooler...that's their perogative....just like the Reds, Indians or (insert team here) don't allow me to bring my own Bud Light to their

I think it's important for the LakePoint management group to communicate their prices and policies publicly and frequently so that rumour and innuendo don't tarnish what should be a very "grand" opening. Since it's apparent that PG and LakePoint are different entities (right?), let's hear from LakePoint, on this forum. There's no better way to correct inaccurate reports than by publishing your policies right here.



Anyone interested can email PG or contact LakePoint. While I believe the HSBBW is the greatest site of its kind, it is still a message board.


Of all the employees and staff at both PG and LakePoint, I believe that I'm the only person that participates here.  Someone once thought PGStaff was several people... Not true! I do try to answer questions here when possible because people seem to want that.


There will be thousands of teams and over 35,000 players that will participate at LP this year.  I know of very few of those teams that are HSBBW members.  So this is not the best place to let everyone know. I have stated what I know about the issue.  I have said we are going to fix it.  We do want to hear complaints and suggestions.  But those complaints will have more impact if directed to PG or LP.  


IMO We don't need to turn the HSBBW into LakePoint's official announcement center.  


BTW, I have been told the water issue has been solved.  The concession is run by a company called Proof in the Pudding.  Maybe it's just me, but I didn't notice any excessively high prices.  Guess I'm used to paying $2 for a bottle of water.  I think the main thing people need to be aware of is that the entire LakePoint project is a Coca Cola place. The other thing to keep in mind is that this is something that just opened and it might take some time to iron things out.

Originally Posted by Tribe:

I think it's important for the LakePoint management group to communicate their prices and policies publicly and frequently so that rumour and innuendo don't tarnish what should be a very "grand" opening. Since it's apparent that PG and LakePoint are different entities (right?), let's hear from LakePoint, on this forum. There's no better way to correct inaccurate reports than by publishing your policies right here.

Please no, this is not the place for that.


What's with you people?  Have you never been to a baseball game, the movies? I am sure that there are water fountains available, fill 'er up!


They have settled the issue.

Last edited by TPM

I think that in his first post PG explained the situation and his position. These things are not PG's fault, but he felt the need to post his feelings and he really didn't have to.


I understand that the players need to have water in the dugout, PG said that was addressed.


My post wasn't cynical. I don't know if anyone else gets tired of the complaining, it costs money when you attend  these events.  No one is forcing anyone to buy food or drinks. 

In most venues and sporting events, you cannot carry in a cooler, you cannot bring in your iced coffee from dunkin donuts or a bottle of water you bought from walmart , 24 for 3.50. Put a cliff bar in your sons bag for the game. A box of six costs less than a dollar a bar. Or put in a banana or an apple.

Maybe a good idea would be for PG to post on their site about Lake Point, but here, it is not necessary.


"That's your opinion, that's ok, but IMO a little bit of thinking like an adult really works!"


We're all adults here, TPM. Some of us even behave like adults as we interact with each other.


Truth of the matter is that we all want to see Lakepoint succeed and thrive. It's a little late for us, as mine heads to college soon, but we'll possibly have one opportunity to visit there in a couple weeks, and I'm hoping it's all I've heard it is. I wish it had come about 4 years earlier, as the competition would have undoubtedly raised the quality of competing venues. Bottom line is that communication is key: visitors will be ok with these policies as long as they're not caught off-guard by them. Surprise is what ticks people off.

I am glad that you get it.
Parents spend outragous money on their kids and then complain about it a $2 bottle of water?  And feel they should be informed of a facilities policies here?
As I said that should be on the people running the event...and I am giving the benefit of the doubt PG wasnt aware.

Let's say your son has seven games at Lake Pointe (he won't). He requires two bottles of water per game. If he has to pay $2 per bottle that's $28. If not for the rules you could pick up a case (more than 14 bottles) for $4. How many are going to turn away from the best showcase for their kid over $24?


Getting $2 per bottle is called what the market will bear. If losing teams and losing Perfect Game becomes an issue over $2 bottles of water the price will be reduced. I can't imagine anyone will go away over $2 bottles of water. Sure, it would be nice to be able to bring in your own water. But this wonderful new facility has to be paid for and make a profit.

Originally Posted by Tribe: one is complaining about $2 waters for spectators. The discussion involves Lakepoint publishing its policies regarding players/teams bringing their own drinks. That's all.

I would argue it's the responsibility of the team to find out the information as part of their preparation for the tournament. As questions come forward I'm willing to bet Lake Pointe will have a FAQ on a website to answer the questions. Have you ever purchased a new home? You find things wrong. They get fixed. This isn't any different.

Originally Posted by RJM:

Let's say your son has seven games at Lake Pointe (he won't). He requires two bottles of water per game. If he has to pay $2 per bottle that's $28. If not for the rules you could pick up a case (more than 14 bottles) for $4. How many are going to turn away from the best showcase for their kid over $24?


Getting $2 per bottle is called what the market will bear. If losing teams and losing Perfect Game becomes an issue over $2 bottles of water the price will be reduced. I can't imagine anyone will go away over $2 bottles of water. Sure, it would be nice to be able to bring in your own water. But this wonderful new facility has to be paid for and make a profit. you know how much it would cost to get your son in front of 100+ college coaches if you wanted them to come to No, I don't...but I'll bet it's pretty steep    Sure, it's a week long trip....yes, it can be expensive...but the $24...heck...let's make it $ drinks that we're talking about is a pretty small expense....



Of course they don't have to post here. For that matter, PG doesn't have to post here....but it's good business to post here...and helpful to the community. People appreciate it. It's a service. It's yet another way to communicate directly to the people you serve. Ultimately, Lakepoint is a business venture. We want it to succeed. Communicating with your customer, through any means available, is a prerequisite to the success of any business.

Originally Posted by Tribe:



Of course they don't have to post here. For that matter, PG doesn't have to post here....but it's good business to post here...and helpful to the community. People appreciate it. It's a service. It's yet another way to communicate directly to the people you serve. Ultimately, Lakepoint is a business venture. We want it to succeed. Communicating with your customer, through any means available, is a prerequisite to the success of any business.

PG already stated the number of families who will attend events at Lake Pointe who are on this board is a very small percentage. I'll bet it's 2% or 3%. That wouldn't make posts here productive. They have PG here to provide feedback from the handful who are here.

Of course chips don't have to be 50cents but $2.00, that's like Disney World prices. 

Imo they need to let players openly bring in whatever they wNt without having to hide it. People pay gate fees, families of four will probably depend $30-50 dollars if they r there to eat and drink. What may seem like a small expense to some, may not be for another family.

Also saw at tourn this wk where college scouts had to pay for tourn roster $20 which I never knew happened. All kinds of ways to make money I guess.

Im just saying these events are great for players to go to for experience/exposure but many parents can't afford high cost of travel baseball w hotel rooms, gas, added expenses.

Personally we had good time last yr as 16's  but all the interest/offers my son has so far have come from local events, college camps/showcases, tri state tournaments.  I don't need my son to be in front of 100 college coaches, he's not interested in 100 schools. It's fun to say u played in front of that many, but realistically  you might catch the eye of a few but unless your a phenom that's a long shot. Go w realistic expectations. 


Looking forward to playing at a Lakepoint just want to leave w a good experience. 


Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Tribe:



Of course they don't have to post here. For that matter, PG doesn't have to post here....but it's good business to post here...and helpful to the community. People appreciate it. It's a service. It's yet another way to communicate directly to the people you serve. Ultimately, Lakepoint is a business venture. We want it to succeed. Communicating with your customer, through any means available, is a prerequisite to the success of any business.

PG already stated the number of families who will attend events at Lake Pointe who are on this board is a very small percentage. I'll bet it's 2% or 3%. That wouldn't make posts here productive. They have PG here to provide feedback from the handful who are here.

Fair enough, let's use your numbers: PG says 35,000 players will visit LP this year. 2% = 700 players (and their families). As a business owner, if I could reach 700+ of my customers with a post that takes 60 seconds to compose...and would improve the experience of those that effective and worthy of my time?

Originally Posted by Tribe:
Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Tribe:



Of course they don't have to post here. For that matter, PG doesn't have to post here....but it's good business to post here...and helpful to the community. People appreciate it. It's a service. It's yet another way to communicate directly to the people you serve. Ultimately, Lakepoint is a business venture. We want it to succeed. Communicating with your customer, through any means available, is a prerequisite to the success of any business.

PG already stated the number of families who will attend events at Lake Pointe who are on this board is a very small percentage. I'll bet it's 2% or 3%. That wouldn't make posts here productive. They have PG here to provide feedback from the handful who are here.

Fair enough, let's use your numbers: PG says 35,000 players will visit LP this year. 2% = 700 players (and their families). As a business owner, if I could reach 700+ of my customers with a post that takes 60 seconds to compose...and would improve the experience of those that effective and worthy of my time?

An avenue that only reaches 2-3% (assuming they even see the post) is a waste of time. There are better avenues. Over time Lake Pointe and Perfect Game will work it out. 


Responding to anything here would open Lake Pointe up to having to continually return to check for any other questions. Given the small market share visiting this site it's a bad idea. 


It would be more productive for Lake Pointe to have issues on a website, a link to PG's site or respond to questions via Twitter. Then again, give them a few tournaments or a summer and all these issues may disappear. Don't expect something to be perfect from the start.

Last edited by RJM

This topic has gotten beyond out of control.  My son has been playing travel baseball since he was 9 (he's 17 now).  I don't remember EVER buying a bag of chips at a I don't care what they charge. If they want to charge $10...and someone needs chips that bad, fine...go ahead.  Why would you feel the need to buy chips at a game when you're only there 2 hours.  The water issue for the players is over...the LakePoint post on it is in this why is this thread still going on?  I can watch a game in 95 degree heat with no water if I don't feel like spending $2.00....but even if I need a drink, it's not like I'm going to buy 12 in a 2-hour period.  I'm guessing those of you worrying about the $2 waters have never been to a WWBA event.    Lake Point has 4 you'll play there once over the course of the week if you're lucky..... so again, the water issue is moot.   Wait til you see the schedule.  They use high schools all over the Northern Atlanta area....some of them will be 40 miles one way from your hotel....a long way...yes...but what do you do when you have 100+ teams?  At 20 miles/gallon, that round trip is gonna cost you $16 in gas alone....are we gonna have a new "PG makes us drive too much" thread  start up when the schedule comes out???

Originally Posted by PGStaff:



you are getting some bad information.  We do have a problem that we are trying to solve.  We certainly don't agree with charging for water.  And it isn't us selling it or profiting from it. And it isn't $50 for water.


LakePoint has Coca Cola as it's major sponsor.  They do offer coolers full of Powerade for $20 to the teams for hydration.  They don't want any competing brands in the complex.  We are fine with that, but the water situation needs to change.  We have offered to pay ourself if that becomes necessary.


Truth is, we want everyone to complain if they are upset by the water issue. But do keep in mind that this will be a 50 million dollar plus complex when it's all done.  We lease the complex. The main reason for the artificial turf is to be able to play in rainy weather.


All that said, we know something has to be done regarding water and agree with those that are complaining.  But to my knowledge $50 is a large exaggeration. I have no idea what the concession charges for things.  I know if it is too much I would wait until after the game.  Teams are only there for a couple hours on any given day unless they go far in the playoffs.  Also we only have four fields at this time so we are still using East Cobb and other sites.

Thanks for comments.

Yes, it is $50 for 25bottles sent to dugout. That was stated in email. I was imagining players needing approx 3 per game in July heat.

glad they came to senses and will give dugouts free water/cups. 

artificial turf is fine, except for mounds, most pitchers hate those.

yes we can play in rain unless we see lightening then all bets r off and the wait begins. 

No one is disputing that complex will be a nice addition, but Im sure when all is said and done it will be showing a good profit from all the sports, activities there. Will be interested in seeing profit reports in coming yrs. 

Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Tribe:
Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Tribe:



Of course they don't have to post here. For that matter, PG doesn't have to post here....but it's good business to post here...and helpful to the community. People appreciate it. It's a service. It's yet another way to communicate directly to the people you serve. Ultimately, Lakepoint is a business venture. We want it to succeed. Communicating with your customer, through any means available, is a prerequisite to the success of any business.

PG already stated the number of families who will attend events at Lake Pointe who are on this board is a very small percentage. I'll bet it's 2% or 3%. That wouldn't make posts here productive. They have PG here to provide feedback from the handful who are here.

Fair enough, let's use your numbers: PG says 35,000 players will visit LP this year. 2% = 700 players (and their families). As a business owner, if I could reach 700+ of my customers with a post that takes 60 seconds to compose...and would improve the experience of those that effective and worthy of my time?

An avenue that only reaches 2-3% (assuming they even see the post) is a waste of time. There are better avenues. Over time Lake Pointe and Perfect Game will work it out. 

Agreed. I have no doubt that they will work it out. Communication is the key.

Why would you feel like you should "see the profit reports?"  It's a's not a community owned park.  Their profits are nobody's business but their shareholders and owners.  I can see GM's profits if I want to...but I don't think that seeing them make a profit entitles me to buy a car cheaper.   Good grief you have any idea how much money DisneyWorld makes?   I don't know ONE person who has ever complained about paying $9 for a cheeseburger at Disney.  Why???  Because it's Disney and you're on their property and you pay what they tell you.  Can you go to McDonalds and ask for a Big Mac for 49 cents????

Originally Posted by playball2011:

Of course chips don't have to be 50cents but $2.00, that's like Disney World prices. 

Imo they need to let players openly bring in whatever they wNt without having to hide it. People pay gate fees, families of four will probably depend $30-50 dollars if they r there to eat and drink. What may seem like a small expense to some, may not be for another family.

Also saw at tourn this wk where college scouts had to pay for tourn roster $20 which I never knew happened. All kinds of ways to make money I guess.

Im just saying these events are great for players to go to for experience/exposure but many parents can't afford high cost of travel baseball w hotel rooms, gas, added expenses.

Personally we had good time last yr as 16's  but all the interest/offers my son has so far have come from local events, college camps/showcases, tri state tournaments.  I don't need my son to be in front of 100 college coaches, he's not interested in 100 schools. It's fun to say u played in front of that many, but realistically  you might catch the eye of a few but unless your a phenom that's a long shot. Go w realistic expectations. 


Looking forward to playing at a Lakepoint just want to leave w a good experience. 



not sure what your point is, other than saying travel ball tournaments are expensive?  Yes, they are.  So are pitching and hitting coaches (your kid has both, right?).  If it's worth it people will use these services and figure out how to fit the cost into the budget.  Judging from the growth of travel ball I'd say there are plenty of people who will decide that at least a few of these tournaments are worth the cost in order to meet their goals.  For what it's worth, we pay a $5 gate fee, $3.50 for water and close to $10 for a chicken sandwich at the local weekend venues my kids play at, so I guess cost is relative.

Everything is relevant.  We played travel ball and we paid inflated prices at venues and many times not able to bring in coolers.  And sometimes not informed until we arrived.
Regardless of who was running the tournament never felt the need to gripe here on this site.
Originally Posted by TPM:
Everything is relevant.  We played travel ball and we paid inflated prices at venues and many times not able to bring in coolers.  And sometimes not informed until we arrived.
Regardless of who was running the tournament never felt the need to gripe here on this site.

Probably the best post in this entire thread......thanks for making it so simple

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