First thank you all for the great advice. I think there are a few immediate take aways for us;
1) My wife and I shouldn't talk to the coach about our son. You all have made that clear. Would it be wrong for us to speak with the coaches about the other outfielders shortcomings?
2) Tonight we are going to tell our son that he must follow the coaches signs. I see how ignoring them might be leading to time on the bench. Serious question though - if he is at bat and knows he can jack the pitcher and the coaches are calling for a sacrifice, its ok to swing in that spot right?
3) We will be getting a 3rd party evaluation of his skills. That was great advice. We really need to see what level of D1 he can play at.
4) Dominican - our family loves out of the box thinking and pitchingfan delivered here but its just too risky. We were up most of last night mapping this out but it won't work. Thank you however.
I will be off line all day and will read the reply replies later. If I am caught on line at work I will lose my job. It might be worth the risk though when my son gets his full ride. Oh, on 3rd party evaluation you all think its ok if it's my dad? He's been watching baseball his whole life and probably is impartial.