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I cannot believe what I just saw!

Umpires: can that be protested?

If you didn't see it, in the UC Irvine/Wichita State game, ninth inning, nobody out, runner on first. Fiorst baseman makes a great play stretching to catch a throw from short, runner called out. Replay shows it was correct call, no doubt about it.

Wichita coach and crowd protested loudly. then the call gets overturned!

Later on the commentators say that the home plate ump has the power to "confer" on the call, and in this case he overturned it.

The stretch went right up the line - no way the home plate ump had any kind of angle on the play at all.

I've never seen the crowd influence a call like that before. That home plate ump should be fired.
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Sometimes ya sing Happy Birthday cause ya got a present early, other times,..ya sing the blues.

It eventually all comes out in the wash. Wink

P.S. Just a little sidebar: who came up with these team mascots? I mean really! Lets build a big campus and offer a great eduaction,...but lets call ourselves the anteaters????
I've been a bee before and had to deal with it,... Roll Eyes ( sting this, zap that, swarm the who-ever's ) but an anteater???
What exactly does one say about an anteater??? ( other than they kicked a beees butt once in a while!- ha!)
From a cheerleaders/fans perspective,..I just cant picture it! What do anteaters do? They dont growl, or hiss, or kick, or chop.

UCI anteater fans, me out!
Last edited by shortstopmom
You are right we got smoked! Frown

Been to 3 regionals, 2 out of 3 super regionals, been to Jax to see son's team win an ACC championship, Omaha, summer at the cape, son has had a terrific college experience, now drafted. Actually, I HAVE been there and done that.

What you been up to lately?

Way to go UNC
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by spizzlepop:
Another example of why the home field is so big in the super regionals.

No kidding!



infield...I think so, too. But when LOSERS act like they are big winners, I've had enough. Simple as MSU SMOKING their 1st and 2nd round draft choices. This is an example why I won't let up...the "no kidding" reference was to Clemson fans whining and continuing to "whine"; and, after their complaints fell on deaf ears, they got SMOKED by MSU at the Super Regional in Starkville, MS. When their complaint about Templeton and the Selection Committee fell on deaf ears didn't work, TPM and her minions, keep it up.

Good for you and your son mom, I've been there and done that, too....I'm a little too old to be playing now.

I played pro ball; had a son that played at MSU and did very well, thank you, and played for the USA on the USA Junior National Team in 1990 (Was named a "Star of Stars" at the World Championships/Tournament in Havana, Cuba); then played at MSU; 3 regionals (didn't have Super Regionals then) and then in the Mets organization. Oh, he played at the Cape,too.

Have another son in college who has some skills. Up to him what he does with those skills. Oh, yes, have a grandson that is a terrific T-Baller.

Go MSU Bulldawgs!
I think you have a problem. You can chip away all you want at me, but when you make statements about kids, you become the lowest of the low.

About a year ago, someone came on here and made terrible references about your son. I deleted it immediately (you could ask Julie), I had no reason to but when someone takes shots at a kid, that's WRONG.

I hope that no one deletes this message so all can see what a miserable person you really are.
I have a good friend who is about 41 years old and a father of three, the oldest is 8.
When our son was a 12 year old, our friend Mike came out during All Star practice and threw BP nearly every single day.
He loves baseball and loved the experience of being with our son and his friends. A few years later, Mike personally donated upwards of $50,000 to build the only new field in our area in more years than I can remember.
Last week I found out our friend Mike has an illness that means he probably will not get to see either of his sons play little league next year. When I remember the joy in his eyes and face when he threw BP to my son and his friends, I cannot hold back the tears from mine.
Every single player and family in the Super Regionals was a "winner" in terms of the enjoyment of baseball.
Today, I watched a great Wichita St/UC Irvine game. I was literally in tears listening to the 9th inning when a Shocker came to bat and they talked about his Dad having passed away a few years back.
Isn't it good enough to have been so fortunate to appreciate what our sons accomplished and to enjoy what the sons of others accomplished.
Our good friend will never get to see his sons even play little league.
Your focus on "whining" rings so hollow to me right now.
Last edited by infielddad
TPM....I didn't mention any kid at all.

You began "whining" and you continued "whining" with your "no kidding" comment about the "homer" call at the Wichita State/Cal-Irvine game today. A not so subtle reference to the perceived favoritism of MSU getting to "host" the Super Regional.

MSU beat Clemson's 1st round pick and their 2nd round pick and they are going to the College World Series. Simple as that.

You proceeded to tell me about your experience with your son and I responded to tell you my experience with my older son. Not sure why we needed to know about your experience with your son and how it related to the postings. Not sure why you would be interested in my older son's career.

I hope everyone reads these postings and the postings about your "whining" and complaining about Larry Templeton, the AD at Mississippi State and how somehow you believed that he should have had nothing to do with the Super Regional location selection and on and on...When you learned that it was a BIDDING PROCESS and MSU apparently outbid CLEMSON, you complained about that....that "money" should have anything to do where the NCAA sends the teams. As an aside, Larry Templeton is a very nice man and he's been a part of the NCAA Baseball Selection Committee for quite a long time.

Next, I suppose, we'll hear how it was "too hot" for the Clemson team in Starkville. They're (Clemson) a terrific college team that got beat, on those days and at those times, by a better college baseball team. Nothing more and nothing less.

I just happen to think that the BEST college baseball is played in the SEC, year in and year out.

I'm cheering for the Bulldogs.

Think what you want TPM. Say what you want.

Even though, in my opinion, you are a "whiner" in this particular situation; and, even though you have called me a "miserable person"; "the lowest of the low"; and, you said "I think you have a problem".

I would not call you a miserable mom or anything else. I'm not into name calling. That, I believe, is done by the "lowest of the low", who have no defensible position in a discussion.

Hope your son enjoys a productive professional career.


infield...Never said a word about her son, except to congratulate his being drafted on another thread. Of course I'm happy for all the kids that get to the Super Regionals. Regionals and Super Regionals are likely terrific experiences for all of them, win or lose...but I'm not going to cheer for Clemson when they go to play Mississippi State!
Last edited by BeenthereIL
Beenthere - I enjoyed watching the "atmosphere" at Dudy Noble Field on TV yesterday. Looks like a lot of fun.

I just happen to think that the BEST college baseball is played in the SEC, year in and year out.

I don't happen to agree with this comment at all...but like you I am probably not objective. I'll take the results from the West Coast over 60 years any time. Best atmosphere? Possibly. Best baseball? No, don't buy it.

But above all else, back off on the Clemson thing...I have no horse in this race, but it just doesn't come across well at all. Sounds like gloating over a mom who just watched her son pitch his last college game. She has every right to be a fan and be as proud as anyone around here.

I don't know Larry Templeton...probably a good guy...probably did what I would have done and that is help my own team. But it smells a little and the NCAA shouldn't allow such situations.

Good luck to MSU in Omaha. I'll be rooting for the Anteaters. Gotta love an underdog!
Dear Just baseball,...( psssst,... whispering from under the kitchen table, cause I don't want to get in the middle of, or be rude to other posters already engaged in heavy conversation.... )

Ya got me there!
The banana slugs,....thats the studliest slug I've ever seen!! If I didnt know better, I'd say he has actual muscles!
Is his nickname " Slugg-O the Stud-O " ??

I went to school in Cali ( eons ago ) & can't believe I didnt remember/know that!
Thanks!!! Big Grin

We are going to Omaha this year,...I gotta check out those anteaters and other unique mascots!
Last edited by shortstopmom
I don't know Larry Templeton...probably a good guy...probably did what I would have done and that is help my own team. But it smells a little and the NCAA shouldn't allow such situations.

Just...Here we go with another person. Kindly get familiar with the NCAA bidding process for the Super Regionals.

Larry Templeton did nothing re the Super Regionals. It is an objective bidding process. His reputation was besmirched. You don't head the NCAA Baseball Committee for years if you don't do a good job and have integrity.

I said nothing about her son or anyone else. She's the one that started NAME CALLING. Why should I or anyone else put up with it? I don't care who she is when it comes to that kind of stuff.

As far as I'm concerned, in this instance, she's a whining Clemson fan.

As I said to another poster, read all of the postings, on this thread and the other thread, and then get back to me.
We ask that you respect the purpose of the forum and do not act in any way that harasses or personally attacks an individual or group of individuals.

We expect members to agree or disagree in a civil manner. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Foul,..time-out!! A penalty flag is on the field.

Geeeesh,....let's move forward or if need be, take it outside behind private pm backdoors.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Later on the commentators say that the home plate ump has the power to "confer" on the call, and in this case he overturned it.

No, as most commetators are apt to do, this is incorrect....No umpire has the right to over rule another umpire on a judgment call....

The Umpire who made the call however, can go to his partner umpire to see if he saw something different or had any information that can lead to getting the call right.....The umpire who made the original call will then either stay with or change his call based on the information gathered........
The Umpire who made the call however, can go to his partner umpire to see if he saw something different or had any information that can lead to getting the call right.....The umpire who made the original call will then either stay with or change his call based on the information gathered........

Had this happen twice at a recent 18U tournament.
First time I've seen it happen locally here, in 4 years.
It was refreshing to witness!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Back to the topic:
When the ump reverses a call like that (and I've had it happen both ways) it really messes up the game because the very next call you will have half the people calling for a reversal. They really need to stress this umpires... if you make the call without help, then it is your call and that's that.

Oh and by the way Woody; your wood's got Nots in it that I can see clear from Kansas!!! Ha Ha, see I got caught up in this thread. Smile

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