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I was watching him put the ball in the receivers hand..What the receivers proceeded to do was look like the little guys that I believe play down the street from you in the park surrounding the Dominican Priory! I will give you this ..He's no Elway..but he was doing a pretty good job zipping the ball around, sans the quail that got picked. All I'm saying is that with Grossman at the helm they have a decent shot. That defense is championship quality. Probably don't have the depth on both sides to win it all....I'm an old Raider fan anyway!

The Raider fan bit tells it all--ouch

By the way-- the phone number you included in your emails/PMs was one digit short every time--how can I phone you as you requested ?-- and you have my 800 number if it was that serious--I am sorry but I do not understand you

My mother used to tell me "If they are one digit short what else are they missing ! Be careful"
Just so everyone can be clear I emailed Mr Rizzi (TRHIT signed my name and gave him my mailing address:
Kevin Thomas; National Director
Travel Ball Select USA
PO Box 4931
Oak Brook, Illinois
Mr TRHIT mistakenly took my zip code for a telephone number (one digit short) I pointed this out and asked him to inform his fan club of his error. He decided against doing the right thing.
Hmm.....You start a thread (as I did this one) just hoping to have a little fun during a slow HSBB time. A lot of people have......White Sox, goes on. We have had some mostly fun banter back and forth particulary between Cubs and Sox fans, but even though it got wild at times I don't think it has ever gotten as personal as we have seen here. I am generally against having an autocratic person shutting down certain things but the time has come.
Holden, Perhaps nothing.

Soxnole, You must really be drinking too much Tallahasee tequila if you think that Forest Gregg would even show up to battle Mr. Butkus, then or now. You're talking about comparing the most feared man in the NFL during his era to a slowfooted OL who put fear in nobody. What are you talking about?
Last edited by itsrosy head is getting foggy....or is it, as Rosy says "Tallahasee Tequila?" Of course he feared Huff more than Butkus because Brown retired after Butkus' rookie season. He may have never been on the field with Butkus.

Seems like you have some baseball knowledge but you hatred for the Bears makes you write goofy things about football.
Last edited by FastballDad
Thanks Fastball,

I'm looking out my window and it is snowing quite hard. I've got nothing much to do so I just did a little research to try and prove or disprove Soxnole's assertions.

Well, once again he seems to be way over the top. According to the Sporting News' top 100 NFL players of all time, Butkus is #9, sam Huff #76 Ray Nitsche #18 and Chuck Bednarak not ranked, but he is ranked as the #42 best college player of all time. Now, to continue along what Fastball wrote, Butkus played in the NFL from '65-73. Sam Huff played with the NY Giants from 60-63 where he had his best years and then from '64-69 with the Redskins. Bednarack played from '48 until '56. He is considered the best center of all time.

The only point to make here is that you're trying to compare players of different times with the exception of some years where Butkus overlapped with Nitsche. I'm going to be 59 years old and remember quite well watching Butkus and Nitsche play, and Dick Butkus was the toughest, meanest and all around best defensive player that may have ever strapped on a helmet.

One more point, the only defensive player ranked above Butkus was Lawrence Taylor, who is ranked as the 4th best NFL player in history. No doubt some East Coast bias here. IMO, if you're talking football or out in the street brawling, Butkus had no equal.

Now, let's return to discussing Baseball!
Last edited by itsrosy
The great Ron Turner panicked big-time. On the first drive! When behind early instead of sticking with what worked all year they start zinging the ball downfield???
Did they sign a burner wideout during bye-week or suddenly think Muhammad would catch balls downfield? They were always close enough to establish the run but must have lost all confidence in the defense.

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