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I'll bet he ends up in an orange jump suit. He's shady as they come. He is still trying to pin the juice on Miggy Tejada. Bad teammate.

The Marlins could sign him fo next year.

"Never in my wildest dreams did it cross my mind that I had something in my body," he told the Times. "That was the furthest thing from my mind. I went in after the game. I wasn't hiding anything. If I had done anything, I would have been scrambling to figure out what to do. I was stunned when they called me and said I had tested positive. I thought someone was playing a sick joke on me."

Big Grin

"If I decide not to come back, I hope people look at my whole career and not base their decision on an innocent mistake I made. I hope they don't base their decision on what happened to me in a three-, four- or five-week period. Look at my career and base their opinion on that."

I doubt it.
Last edited by Dad04
It was an injection of B-12.

The B-12 substance was tested by:

1) Health Policy Advisory Committee, which oversees baseball's drug-testing program
2) The MLB players union
3) Investigators from Major League Baseball.

The subject B-12 was found to be totally clean.

During subsequent hearings - Palmeiro and his lawyers just gave up on the whole B-12 ruse. Didnt even mention it.
I remember not too long ago when Canseco was villified and nobody believed his story. He was proven to be telling the truth and Raffy has (had) a ton more credibility & respect from those within the game than Canseco.
Not sure what to believe about Palmeiro. He is a smart guy, not sure he'd have been so forceful in front of Congress if he was flat-out lying. He also never put up massive hr seasons, just consistently hit them for many years.
Also, I remember him in his early days in Chicago and while he has put on some weight I for one don't see the massive body changes, acne, and other signs as we have seen in other sluggers.
Who knows if he did or didn't but it has surely tainted a wonderful career and a good guy - and added another ugly chapter to the steroid era.

I think it may have worked out the way Raffy and his lawyers wanted it to. Raffy knew - at the point of the hearings - that he was named as a user by Canseco.

By flat out denying it - he left the avenue open for the excuse of being duped into taking steroids unknowingly. He - and his lawyers also knew that perjury would never stick - because it was impossible to prove he did them knowingly.

Perhaps his (and his lawyers) strategy was right after all. Certainly better than McGwires' blank stares and Sammy making believe he doesnt understand English.

Perhaps he just took the best of the bad alternatives at that point - and used a strong offense as his defense.
Last edited by itsinthegame
Nah, try this-the guy is a pathological liar on this issue, and couldn't tell the truth if he had to. (See Bonds, Barry)

If all this injection stuff was as innocent as taking vitamins, you mean to tell me there wasn't a doctor or trainer around that could do the injection? Raffy can't afford Flinstone Chewables?

I used to have great respect for Raffy. His autographed picture is on my son's wall and I have taken many pictures of him on field through the years.

Phooey on him.

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