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How about you? Do you do anything 'superstitious' or a little 'out there' when your son pitches/hits/catches?

Me? With 2 pitcher-sons...I go down the line, far away from everyone and try to find the 'lucky spot' where if I stand, my sons can get on a roll. Start to get hit? I change spots! Or sitting/standing positions.

I also like to somedays I will try and find the 'lucky rhythm' in the shooting...1st pitch for every batter? 2nd pitch? Just gotta find what works. Pretty crazy stuff.

This past weekend watching our younger one in a college series...I enjoyed some others from parents' behavior which made me feel a little bit better.

One other pitcher parent writes down every pitch his son throws in a little spiral notebook. When he thought he had lost that spiral notebook before the Sunday game, he was sort of a...well...a mess? Luckily, we had found his little notebook and his son pitched just fine. Smile

Another dad I know turns on the video camera for every single AB his son has...possibly since t-ball. Yet another pitcher-dad talks under his breath at his son for every single pitch. And my wife must score every inning our son(s) others, just the ones they pitch.

Alright, lets have it. What do you do? Or are you the calm, cool and collected type who simply enjoys it all? Big Grin
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I'm the video and play by play guy.I've videoed almost every at bat of my son since he was 11.Included are all of my hysterical cheering and of course the groaning when the at bat does not go as well.LOL ! If you see a guy at a high school/travelball game in San Diego County with a cell phone in one ear doing the play by play for his wife, and a Bloggie Touch in the other,that's probably me Smile
Once the game starts my husband and I can't talk until our son has a runner on base.(first hit, walk, or error) When we get to the field my husband, who is the driver, gets out of the car and throws the keys to me. I catch them with my right hand. If we are in separate cars he throws his to me when we meet up. Many travel tournaments are played on fields about two hours east of us. Even now, when we pass a particular rest stop my husband asks"Do you need to stop and rest?" Son says "I'm good," and we keep going. Finally, if only one of us is there we can't communicate through text or phone until our son is finished. I HATE that rule, but that's my husband's thing. A little wacky, but it works.
Until this year, I never got nervous when he pitched...but senior year...I'm a nervous wreck. Maybe because he's been having 10-15 MLB scouts show up at starts has something to do with it, or I know HS ball is coming to an end...but I am starting to realize that after watching, what, 14 years of baseball, my nervousness has no impact on his play.

Like others, I pace...I also keep moving around to find that "lucky" spot. When he not pitching and just playing 1B, doesn't bother me a bit.

Yes, we are weird...
Last edited by scdigger
Originally posted by smalltownmom:

Once the game starts my husband and I can't talk until our son has a runner on base.(first hit, walk, or error) When we get to the field my husband, who is the driver, gets out of the car and throws the keys to me. I catch them with my right hand. If we are in separate cars he throws his to me when we meet up. Many travel tournaments are played on fields about two hours east of us. Even now, when we pass a particular rest stop my husband asks"Do you need to stop and rest?" Son says "I'm good," and we keep going. Finally, if only one of us is there we can't communicate through text or phone until our son is finished. I HATE that rule, but that's my husband's thing. A little wacky, but it works.

Haha these are outstanding Razz
I'm so glad we aren't the only crazy parents!!!

2013 recently had a 0.00 ERA going into the top of the 7th, tied 1-1, against a very tough out-of-conference team that I don't think our team has ever beaten. He came to the plate with 2 on, 2 out. We turned around and faced away from the field as he approached the box. Our younger daughter didn't understand and we explained that we wouldn't make eye contact . . . didn't want ANY expression on our faces to distract him (since we were both nervous wrecks). She was surprised to learn we are just as nuts when she plays volleyball.

For the record - he got a 2 RBI double and then held them in the bottom of the inning. Obviously it's because of our behavior.
I used to bring my "Lucky Sock" with me.

Whenever some ignoramus yelled, "Just throw strikes" or "Get on top of the ball," I'd stuff it in their mouth.

Worked for me!


Seriously, great topic. Besides always standing way down the baseline, my remedy for jams was to try to send the telepathic message, "trust your stuff." It seemed to work most of the time; so, I stuck with
Last edited by Prepster
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Alright, lets have it. What do you do? Or are you the calm, cool and collected type who simply enjoys it all? Big Grin

For most of the game I stand with a couple of Dad's I know well and cheer each player on as they bat or are pitching/catching/whatever. I use to be very tense, but it's now my son's senior year and I've resolved to relax and enjoy the game. Seems to be working - they are undefeated to date and my son's batting over .500.

My wife sits in her chair away from me and video's the entire game (well, most of it - depends on the camera battery) as well as giving commentary. At times she'll give me the still camera to take some shots when he's at bat, on base or in the field (usually 1B).

For home games she tends to be on the home side while the rest of us Dad's congregate a little towards the visitor's side - better view of the pitches since most of our batters are right handers. Away games are different but the group of us tend to stay together.

Wife insists that we arrive early (about 45 minutes before game time) to ensure she gets the best spots for videoing.

And yes, some of us are "weird".
When my son was just beginning to play travel ball, a seasoned bb mom told me to always carry a bag with useful "stuff" like first aid, snacks, etc. I bought one and carried the same one until he went off to college, a few times even delaying our departure until I could locate it if dad had cleaned out the van between tournaments! I bought a new one when he started college and will carry it until he graduates. A few times I have unfortunately needed the first aid, mostly for clutzy me!
Have worn the same hat (or replica there of) to most every one of son's games for the better part of 9 years. It is rather identifiable - so I know he sees it in the stands. Son is a two way player - I like to sit behind the backstop most of the time and he knows I am there. However - when he pitches - I always move down the sidelines as I do not want him to catch sight of "the hat" or wonder where it is. He knows I just go elsewhere to be out of direct line of sight. I really do not think it would bother him today to see me and my hat behind the backstop - but it has become such a ritual that I still move.

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