Parents are the true downfall of a lot of programs. Arlington Martin fell because of a few jealous parents, to name one. Baseball has become such a business because of professional contracts being so high, that parents refuse to see that Johnny just isn't good enough. They exhaust money with personal lessons, make them play year round, and bad talk their coaches to them when they come home. Parents do more damage in one night at the dinner table to a coach and program than ever can be repaired. Most parents say they support the program, but want the best eight players on the field, plus their son. And if that doesn't happen, then the coach is the one to blame. Coaching is not fun anymore because parents have unrealistic views, and if they are not happy they try to get coaches fired or just make it miserable. Even to the Little League levels parents are so demanding, they burn kids out at an early age and embarass them and take the fun out of the game. Even winning programs have parent problems because of jealousy. Just because a program loses, doesn't mean the coach is an idiot. Player work ethic is never evaluated, and can't be. Parents just assume that Johnny works hard every day and the coach must be wrong. Parents love to bail out kids these days and blame someone else, usually the coach. Instead of helping kids learn a valuable lesson about working hard and dealing with failure.
Bottom line is ... be a true "booster" of the program and promote it to all in a positive way or keep your mouth shut and try to find your baseball Utopia else where.
There are some great parents out there and I applaud you for the great job that you do. If you have ever been a part of tearing someone down or have heard it and didn't say anything, then you are aiding in the downfall of your program.
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