How do you handle vocal parents/fans that are ribbing you because of your strike zone.
Do you?
-ignore it
-start giving a more favorable zone for the opposing team or tighten the zone of the fan/parent team
-confront the fan/parent & have them removed from the park
-ask the coach to address the problem with the fan/parent
This is a good question, and most umpires will have had these situations and have handled it in just about every fashion you can imagine....good and bad. and I am no exception...
The way an umpire handles these situations are a clear indication of how he has developed and many times if that umpire has the make up to hang in there...
You should do your best to ignore anything outside the fence. This isnt easy and when I was a young umpire, I had a hard time with it. Baseball is a passionate game and no matter what you call there will be fans/parents who disagree.....the hardest skill to learn is to ignore comments especially when they arent so nice.....
NEVER change your zone to help or punish. If you do you are cheating and basically prooving that you are not ethical......
Do not confront fans.....this will never end well. dont lower yourself or allow yourself to be baited into an arguement with a fan.
If you have a disruptive fan, it is the coaches duty to handle it. If there is a site administrator, go to them and have them removed. Do not engage the fan directly.
Only once in the recent past have I crossed the line with a fan and I regret it. My professionalism took a hit that day.
I will say that the beauty of doing higher baseball is that there seems to be less of those types attending games. These types of behaviors are most prevalent in the youth leagues.
hope this helps.....